
Program Calendar & Course Schedule

Yoga Vacation Program
July 28 — 30, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

Learn how to overcome obstacles and ground yourself in a steady spiritual practice.

Yoga Vacation Program
July 30 — August 2, 2024
Jeremy Jones and Anil Prasad

Join Jeremy Jones with Anil Prasad for this program of spiritual recharging and heart upliftment as we dive deeply into the art of devotional chanting to unlock the ecstatic joy of Spirit.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 2 — 4, 2024
Swami Paramananda

Learn techniques to remove negative thoughts, emotions, and habits, and the art of cultivating virtues such as gratitude, kindness, and love, as taught by Swami Sivananda.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 6 — 8, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

Ahimsa traditionally refers to the non-killing or harming of others, but ahimsa also extends itself to mean non-injury in thought, word, or deed to any living being. Come discover how we can all cultivate more kindness and compassion toward others.

Sivananda Essentials Course
August 9 — 11, 2024
Parvati Chaitanya

In this weekend program, learn meditation to improve your concentration and happiness and experience less stress and anxiety in daily life.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 9 — 11, 2024
Vinay Desai and Shankh Lahiri

Experience meditative melodic improvisation that takes the listeners on a rhythmic journey to a place of deep stillness with musicians who have mastered their instruments with tutelage under legends.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 12 — 14, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

Advance your yoga practice with a deeper understanding of Hatha Yoga. Composed of many aspects, including yoga asanas, meditation, and pranayama, Hatha Yoga is a spiritual path that is suitable for everyone.

Sivananda Essentials Course
August 13 — 17, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

This inspiring course provides you with the essentials to jumpstart your own yoga practice — whether you are new to yoga or have experience in classes.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 14 — 16, 2024
Swami Paramananda

What does it mean to be a saint? Join this inspiring exploration of saints from around the world whose demonstrations of the truths of spiritual life and a guide to uplifting our hearts and enriching our own practices.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 16 — 18, 2024
Swami Brahmananda

Discover the secret to true happiness through the wisdom of The Upanishads.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 19 — 21, 2024
Swami Paramananda

Dive into the teachings of one of the most important scriptures in yoga, the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita brings together knowledge and action, inner and outer, individual and society, man and God.

Sivananda Essentials Course
August 19 — 23, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

Discover simple, practical tools for entertaining positive and creative thoughts.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 21 — 23, 2024
Sat Bir Singh Khalsa

This comprehensive program will review some of the basic science underlying the psychophysiology and benefits of yoga practices. We will explore the physical, mental, and spiritual mechanisms of action of yoga and provide a modern scientific overview of how yoga works.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 24 — 27, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

Learn to recognize the causes of adversities, how to use yogic methods to deal with adverse situations, and even how to find joy in adversity.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 25, 2024
Krishnan Namboodiri

Celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna with prayer, puja, and prasad.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 27, 2024
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 29 — 31, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

This program offers the opportunity to transcend depression and anxiety by igniting a radical shift in your perspective. Let this become a turning point in your life’s journey.

Sivananda Essentials Course
August 29 — September 2, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

Relax, take a break from your life and discover how to find inner peace, contentment and happiness from within.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 31 — September 1, 2024
Tanya Hanna

Join us in The Bahamas this Labor Day Weekend and leave the stresses and responsibilities of daily life behind. Soothe your soul with beloved Bahamian musicians and friends of the ashram, Tanya Hanna and accompanists!

Yoga Vacation Program
September 2 — 5, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

Come and explore these teachings and discover wisdom that will guide you to more freedom and deeper joy.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 6 — 8, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

Explore this comprehensive philosophical and practical framework for understanding the nature of consciousness, the mind-body connection, and the path to spiritual enlightenment through disciplined practice.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 6, 2024
Krishnan Namboodiri and Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Join us for this sacred ceremony to strengthen your own resolves and bring stamina and fortitude into your life.

Special Event
September 8, 2024

Join us in the joyful celebration of Swami Sivananda’s life.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 10 — 13, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

Practice the art of deep relaxation and live everyday with ease and calm

Sivananda Essentials Course
September 13 — 15, 2024
Parvati Chaitanya

Discover simple, practical tools for entertaining positive and creative thoughts.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 13 — 15, 2024
Dayna Macy

Meet your true voice and creativity on the page with an open heart - No ambition, no judgment — just expression and connection.

Sivananda Essentials Course
September 16 — 20, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

This inspiring course provides you with the essentials to jumpstart your own yoga practice — whether you are new to yoga or have experience in classes.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 17 — 19, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

Discover the connection between the food we eat, our thoughts, and how to create a peaceful, positive state of mind.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 20 — 22, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

By applying various practical methods of self-inquiry, creative imagery and positive affirmations, you will learn how to cultivate a higher state of mind and bring more harmony, peace, and success into your life.

Sivananda Essentials Course
September 23 — 27, 2024
Parvati Chaitanya

Relax, take a break from your life and discover how to find inner peace, contentment and happiness from within.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 23, 2024
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 24 — 26, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

The yamas and niyamas (ethical guidelines) are the first two steps of the Raja Yoga system and create the foundation of a joyful and spiritual life. Come learn how to dispel negativity and fill your heart with love and kindness.

Sivananda Essentials Course
September 28 — 30, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

Discover simple, practical tools for entertaining positive and creative thoughts.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 30 — October 2, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

Bhargavi Chaitanya will teach you the words and melodies to some of the Sivananda daily chants and other popular kirtan chants. Come experience the joy this uplifting tradition - no experience or singing voice required!

Yoga Vacation Program
October 2, 2024
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Celebrate the Jewish New Year with the ashram's staff and guests from the local community.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 3 — 12, 2024
Krishnan Namboodiri

Celebrate the Shakti (power) of the Divine Feminine manifested as Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 4 — 6, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

Join Swami Shambhudevananda during the sacred time of Navaratri as we explore its meaning and association with the Goddesses Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 8 — 9, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

A series of talks exploring the power of prayer that will inspire you to embrace prayer as a regular spiritual practice.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 11 — 15, 2024
Theodore Tsavoussis, Swami Brahmananda, Swami Shambhudevananda, Bhargavi Chaitanya, and Krishnan Namboodiri

Come experience this unique program designed to celebrate the diversity of cultural traditions and engage participants in a meaningful exploration of Navaratri, Yom Kippur, and Indigenous Peoples' Day.

Sivananda Essentials Course
October 13 — 17, 2024
Swami Paramananda

Relax, take a break from your life and discover how to find inner peace, contentment and happiness from within.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 15 — 17, 2024
Swami Brahmananda

During this Prana & Pranayama program, Swami Brahmananda will share the significance of Prana and Pranayama and guide you through sessions of Pranayama practices to increase vitality and mental focus.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 16 — 18, 2024
Ambika Devi

Mantras are considered mysterious invocations designed to shift the energy of the practitioner, those listening, the local environment, and the totality of the reality perceived around us. Experience your breath and voice to sweep the mind clean and open up the body.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 18 — 21, 2024
Tenzin Dasel

Explore a Buddhist approach on how using wisdom and compassion helps to overcome suffering and leads to lasting happiness.

Sivananda Essentials Course
October 21 — 25, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

This inspiring course provides you with the essentials to jumpstart your own yoga practice — whether you are new to yoga or have experience in classes.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 22 — 24, 2024
Swami Paramananda

Discover the joy of turning our entire lives into a spiritual practice through Karma Yoga. Come learn about and experience this transformative path of selfless service.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 25 — 28, 2024
Mary Reed

Discover the peace, joy, and vibrancy that is revealed as old paradigms end with the illumination of awakened being.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 28 — 31, 2024
Swami Shambhudevananda

Learn to become the master of your destiny and architect of your own fate. Explore the core spiritual values for living a divine life.

Sivananda Essentials Course
October 28 — November 1, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

Discover simple, practical tools for entertaining positive and creative thoughts.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 31, 2024
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 1 — 3, 2024
Brenda McMorrow and John de Kadt

Brenda and John will take us on a stirring, nourishing, and heart opening journey into the world of sacred sound through a powerful and ecstatic experience of song, music, and poetry.

Professional Training
November 1 — 5, 2024
Mala Cunningham

Deepen your understanding of how and why yoga and meditation work through the lens of current neuroscience research and polyvagal theory. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and practical applications, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the neurobiological effects of these ancient practices.

Yoga Teacher Training
November 4 — December 1, 2024
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Yoga Teacher Training
November 4 — December 1, 2024
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Deepen and expand your knowledge and practice as a yoga teacher through this four-week immersion into advanced yogic practices of hatha yoga, meditation, pranayama, Sanskrit, and the Sivananda teachings.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 4 — 6, 2024
Kate Mitcheom and Lucia McBee

Learn how to use the core principles of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction such as yoga, meditation, and Buddhist teachings, to reduce stress that negatively impacts mental, emotional and physical health which can significantly improve personal well-being.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 6 — 8, 2024
Rubin Naiman

Learn to address insomnia and improve the quality of your sleep based on integrative body, mind and spirit approach the sleep and dreams. Take home new habits to support deep, rejuvenating sleep every night.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 9 — 11, 2024
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Join us for this special celebration of puja and prayer to honor the Mahasamadhi and Jalasamadhi of our founder and guru Swami Vishnudevananda.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 10 — 13, 2024
Karnamrita Dasi

Through the sweet strains of Karnamrita's melodious voice, you will awaken to the depth and intimacy of your own voice, gaining a deeper understanding of the power of sound and its effects on the mind, body, and spirit.

Experiential Course
November 13 — 17, 2024
Manu Dawson

Prepare for winter and the holidays — come cleanse, rejuvenate, invigorate, and firm up healthy habits for the months ahead and leave feeling refreshed, and connected to your innermost self.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 14 — 17, 2024
Graham Schweig, Krishna Kanta, and Steve Gorn

Combined with sweet and serene kirtan, this program blends ancient Sanskrit poetry and literature with the mellifluous sounds of the classical Indian bansuri bamboo flute during this powerful full moon ceremony.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 17 — 19, 2024
Maureen Whitehouse

In this powerful and engaging program, you will unapologetically enter into the life that you deserve--filled with happiness, peace and paved with miracles. Learn how to make miracles commonplace for you as you bring more joy and grace into your everyday existence.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 20 — 22, 2024
Frederic Luskin

Forgiveness is a powerful part of spiritual life and a deeply transformative practice. Learn how to find forgiveness in your heart and what changes as a result.

Yoga Teacher Training
November 21 — 29, 2024
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

For those students who took the 200-hr Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training online and wish to add to their certification.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 22 — 24, 2024
Katie Papo (Ambika)

Cultivate a stress-free, healthy, nurturing and peaceful and more effortless relationship with food, and with yourself.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 24 — 26, 2024

Grammy-nominated Manose offers a unique program that combines various musical instruments and the power of Sanskrit Mantras and meditation to bring you to a powerfully healing and joyful experience.

Experiential Course
November 25 — 30, 2024
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)

Children will be introduced to yoga through short asana classes, chanting, crafts, storytelling, and lots of games and fun.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 26 — 27, 2024
Gopi Kallayil

Learn how to how to fit in yoga philosophy and practice in the midst of our busy professional lives. Together we will explore practices to help reclaim moments of tranquility, even as your calendar and inbox threaten to overwhelm.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 26 — December 2, 2024
Gopi Kallayil, David Spound, Latif Bolat, and Manose

Leave this unique holiday symposium empowered with practical tools and profound insights sure to enrich both your personal and professional journey.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 27 — 30, 2024
Latif Bolat

Enjoy a special Thanksgiving celebration to uplift your spirit.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 29 — December 2, 2024
David Spound

Discover how Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) promotes greater awareness of how we experience the pleasant and unpleasant aspects of life. Learn how to hold all experiences, including pain and suffering, not only with awareness but also with genuine kindness and compassion.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 30, 2024
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 3 — 5, 2024
Zoe Weil

Create a vision for a just, healthy, and humane future for yourself, your community, and the world despite the many challenges we face as a global society.

Yoga Teacher Training
December 4 — 31, 2024
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Experiential Course
December 6 — 9, 2024
Swan Michelle (Michelle Baker)

Discover this profound healing modality that investigates what may be limiting, dis-regulating, degenerating and compromising one's current state of health physically, mentally or emotionally.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 6 — 9, 2024
Paul Dugliss, MD

Learn how to have direct awareness and utilization of the subtle energy, flow and power of Universal Love inherent in the depths of the heart.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 9 — 12, 2024
David Ellzey

Learn the modern “how to” of the ancient practice of letting go and experience your true nature of unlimited being and its essence of boundless love.

Experiential Course
December 10 — 15, 2024

Join us as we find our soul's Voice together in one of the most pristinely beautiful and sacred places on the planet as we dive deep into our soulful, energetic possibilities and to choose Love, Healing, and Sacred Connection.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 12 — 14, 2024
Tama Kieves

Discover practical strategies to trust your choices and soar in the life, work, calling and business of your dreams. Learn how to move past fear and thrive in the work you are meant to do.

Experiential Course
December 12 — 16, 2024
Sarah Kinsley, RCC

Evidence-based teachings and practices will be shared to help you better manage the waves of life and reduce the impacts associated with anxiety, stress, and depression.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 15 — 17, 2024
Lama Karma Chötso

True spiritual warriors assume the responsibility of mastering their own minds. Discover he innermost vaults of compassion within your own self so that you can have peace of mind and a sense of security in daily matters, interactions with others, and in the actions of your career, family life, and more.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 17 — 19, 2024
Sat Bir Singh Khalsa

Come explore the scientific rationale for multicomponent traditional yoga practices including postures/exercises, breath regulation, relaxation and meditation/mindfulness techniques for treating trauma and PTSD.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 18 — 21, 2024
Tom Spector (Kumar)

Learn practical techniques to find relief from stress, anxiety, and pain, and restore self-esteem and inner peace. This program is especially helpful to those who believe they can’t meditate.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 19 — 21, 2024
Gershone Hendelberg and Gina Minyard

Come experience yogic practices, inspired teachings, and heart-moving kirtan during Winter Solstice - a very special juncture point in the wheel of the year.

Yoga Teacher Training
December 21 — 29, 2024
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

For those students who took the 200-hr Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training online and wish to add to their certification.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 21, 2024 — January 2, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda, Snatam Kaur and Sopurkh Singh, James Twyman, Daniel Matt, Lama Tashi Norbu, Imam Jamal Rahman, Acharya Mangalananda, Jose Stevens, and Lena Stevens

During this special time of year we invite you to join us in celebrating wisdom, love, compassion, and the transcendence of artificial barriers.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 23 — 25, 2024
Snatam Kaur and Sopurkh Singh

Join Snatam Kaur and Sopurkh Singh to discover the tools of Nada Yoga and resonate in the energy of pure love.

Experiential Course
December 26 — 31, 2024
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)

During this family yoga holiday, kids will be introduced to yoga through short asana classes, chanting, crafts, storytelling, and lots of games and fun.

Experiential Course
December 26 — 31, 2024
Bhargavi Chaitanya

In this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 26 — 28, 2024
Snatam Kaur

Experience the angelic voice of one of the most inspirational singers of devotional music of the Sikh tradition.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 28, 2024
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 31, 2024 — January 2, 2025
Acharya Mangalananda

Come celebrate as we sing in the New Year together, invoking the highest love and devotion through mantras, and chanting to set the tone for 2025. Join us for an auspicious start to the New Year, singing the Divine Names that are manifestations of the One Divinity.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 3 — 6, 2025
Brett Cotter and Stefanie Cotter

Come to release emotional pain in this workshop. Just raise your hand, Brett asks you a few questions to surface the deeper source of your stress, and then he guides the group through channeled affirmations to release the anxiety from your mind and body.

Yoga Teacher Training
January 4 — 31, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Yoga Teacher Training
January 4 — 31, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Deepen and expand your knowledge and practice as a yoga teacher through this four-week immersion into advanced yogic practices of hatha yoga, meditation, pranayama, Sanskrit, and the Sivananda teachings.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 5 — March 15, 2025
Swami Sharvananda Giri

The practice of listening to a great saint or Mahatma relay the knowledge of the Vedas, ancient scriptural texts in India, has been the foundation for spiritual liberation for countless people. This immersion offers the doorway through which moksha or true freedom is attained.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 6 — 8, 2025
John Kelly

Learn about addiction treatment and the recovery process through the lens of both culture and science with Dr. John Kelly, the first endowed professor in sddiction medicine at Harvard University.

Experiential Course
January 6 — 15, 2025
Manu Dawson

Join us for a 10-day immersion retreat to cleanse your body and increase vitality and energy. Leave feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and connected to your innermost self.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 8 — 10, 2025
Gina Salā

Join Gina Salá for empowering, clarifying practices in Bhakti chant, sound tantra, and mantra.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 11 — 14, 2025
Yuval Ron

Learn tools for breathing and chanting meditation practices that can help promote well-being, resilience, inner peace, reduced anxiety and stress.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 15 — 17, 2025
Mark Mincolla

Dr. Mincolla shares experiences, documented research, and interactive exercises to raise consciousness so you can become a Miracle Maker in your own life! 

Yoga Vacation Program
January 17 — 19, 2025
Hilary Garivaltis

Discover how we get out of balance, what we can do to restore balance, and how to maintain balance in everyday life with the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda,

Professional Training
January 17 — 21, 2025
Chitra Sukhu

Join Chitra Sukhu, a world-renowned Yoga practitioner and expert on Yoga Nidra and Hatha Yoga to learn the fundamentals of Yoga Nidra and how to share this healing, powerful practice with others.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 20 — 22, 2025
Alexandra Crosswell, PhD

This program will explore solutions to implement in daily life to counteract stress, restore your energy, and rejuvenate your mind and body. You will learn the ways in which your body is responding to stress, and evidence-based techniques to help you build stress resilience.

Yoga Teacher Training
January 21 — 29, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

For those students who took the 200-hr Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training online and wish to add to their certification.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 23 — 25, 2025
Sianna Sherman and Masood Ali Khan

Hear the stories of the yogic heroes, saints, deities, yoga poses, and more. This is a Tantric Quest into the portal and practices of the Kundalini Shakti.

Experiential Course
January 24 — 29, 2025
Marc Halpern (Siva) and Andrea Deerheart PhD

Start the new year with a clean slate! Join this Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse and Yoga Nidra retreat to feel lighter, more confident, and closer to your dreams.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 26 — 28, 2025
Marc Halpern (Siva) and Andrea Deerheart PhD

Unlock immense healing potential by naturally restoring the flow of prana (life energy) through your subtle body through conscious awareness and deep relaxation.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 29, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
January 30 — February 2, 2025
MC Yogi, Amanda Giacomini, and Scott Nice

Come experience a magical weekend filled with music, movement and mindfulness with this unique style of music that is inspiring lyrically and uplifting spiritually!

Experiential Course
February 1 — 7, 2025
Grace Van Berkum

Increase energy and vitality, reduce inflammation, recalibrate the taste buds, and clear the mind with this 7-day fresh food detox.

Yoga Teacher Training
February 3 — March 2, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Experiential Course
February 3 — 6, 2025
Dr. Kathleen Williams and Dr. Nicole Tetreault

Discover the research and practices in both neuroscience and psychology that can help guide you in addressing the multifaceted topic of trauma and wire your mind to shift into more balance and freedom. Come and connect to your heart and your true essence to nourish your spirit with joyful experiences!

Yoga Vacation Program
February 3 — 8, 2025
Swamini Svatmavidyananda Saraswati

Unveil the truth of the self as transcending the body, the mind, and the senses.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 9 — 11, 2025
Asha Nayaswami

The determining factor between success and failure on the spiritual path is not technique or rituals. It is having the right attitude. This program focuses on the essentials that will give you the power to persevere until the goal is reached.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 12 — 14, 2025
Nina Rao

Join us for this transformational offering and experience the profound power of ancient chants with Nina Rao.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 14 — 16, 2025
Krishna Das

Join one of the foremost devotional singers in the world for evening kirtan concerts and afternoon workshops with musical prayer.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 18 — 19, 2025
Dan Millman

Develop your connection to your spirit through time-honored insights and guidance passed down from renowned spiritual masters.

Yoga Teacher Training
February 20 — 28, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

For those students who took the 200-hr Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training online and wish to add to their certification.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 20 — 22, 2025
Matt Kahn and Joy Kahn

No mater where you are in your relationship journey this retreat with Matt and Joy is your invitation to directly experience sacred partnership with the Divine throughout all levels of connection.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 23 — 25, 2025
Jeff Warren

Over the course of these workshops and satangs, we will explore the basic skills of meditation, how they converge in the moment to shift to our state, but also how they build overtime to change habits of mind and heart, and ultimately transform our relationship to life itself.

Professional Training
February 24 — March 1, 2025
Sukha Wong

Gain a strong foundation in the key elements of Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Massage and learn how to perform a full 90-minute customized session.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 24 — March 1, 2025
Menas Kafatos

Learn about the non-dual aspects of Śaivism, its relevance to modern life, science, and connections to Advaita Vedanta and ancient Greek non-dual philosophies. Come explore the relevance of these ancient teachings, the profound truths, and the everyday practices of awareness.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 25 — 26, 2025
Krishnan Namboodiri and Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Join us in celebration of Maha Sivaratri, the night of Lord Siva, one of the most sacred nights on the yogic calendar to honor the union of Siva and Shakti in this all-night event.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 27, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
February 27 — March 1, 2025
Suzi Edwards

Create your own paper mosaic (collage). Add seashells, cut out images from postcards, and bits and pieces that you bring from home, to create memorable artworks that express your life on the spiritual path.

Professional Training
March 3 — 8, 2025
Sukha Wong

Further your Thai Yoga Massage training with Ayurvedic techniques. Thai Yoga Massage Level 2 expands upon the techniques learned in Level 1 and covers how to perform an expanded 2 1/2 hour customized session.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 4 — 6, 2025
Amy Weintraub

Learn how to achieve and sustain emotional wellbeing. These practices may not only shift your mood, but they may change your life!

Yoga Teacher Training
March 5 — April 1, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 6 — 9, 2025
Krishna Mohan Bhatt, Swapan Chaudhuri, Pooja Goswami Pavan, Farah Yasmeen Shaikh, and Kedar Naphade

Come be inspired by the unique sounds and rhythms of Indian music and experience music as a doorway to the harmony, love, and hope in our hearts.

Experiential Course
March 9 — 11, 2025
Dr. Marc Grossman and Daniel Orlansky

This program introduces a combination of best practices from eastern and western methods for improving eye health. Through breath work, yoga, and gentle movement designed to allow for more circulation to your brain and eyes, and more to improve your vision health.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 10 — 13, 2025
Theodore Tsavoussis

Discover shamanic practices to shed your worn-out stories, break free from the grip of fear and unfavorable heritages, drop your limiting roles and beliefs, and discover the original wounds that derailed your destiny.

Experiential Course
March 12 — 15, 2025
Ken Cohen

Learn a complete practice for personal well-being and connect with your untapped well of resilient healing qi (life energy) and with the natural energies of earth, sky, and sea.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 13 — 15, 2025
Akil Palanisamy, MD

Learn how to lower your "biological age", regardless of your chronological age through the wisdom of Ayurveda. This program is an essential resource for anyone looking to unlock the full potential of their longevity.

Professional Training
March 16 — 20, 2025
Marc Halpern (Siva) and Andrea Deerheart PhD

Experience and learn to lead conscious deep relaxation that expands consciousness and brings healing to the body and mind.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 17 — 19, 2025
Arielle Schwartz

This program is designed to help you move past trauma, liberate yourself from emotional burdens, and transform your life. Learn this mind-body approach to trauma recovery and wellbeing.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 18 — May 11, 2025
Swamini Atmaprakashananda Saraswati

Study the most powerful and direct of all the Upanishads and discover unshakeable serenity. Come learn these potent teachings as inspiration for moving into your new year with clarity and purpose.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 19 — 21, 2025
Baxter Bell

Learn Baxter's 3 pillars of Yoga for healthy aging and delve into the mastery of the 4 Essential Physical Skills to unveil a fulfilling and rejuvenating life and a more vibrant you!

Yoga Teacher Training
March 22 — 30, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

For those students who took the 200-hr Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training online and wish to add to their certification.

Experiential Course
March 22 — 23, 2025
Marc Halpern (Siva)

This two-day (12 hour) program will take you on an Ayurvedic journey to support your personal healing process. Based on Dr. Marc Halpern's book, Heal Your Life, you will explore how to activate your bodies innate ability to heal itself.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 22 — 23, 2025
Master Ou Wen Wei

Come learn about Pangu Shengong, a mystical qigong system, that uses the power of the universe for healing with its originator, Master Ou Wen Wei.

Experiential Course
March 22 — 23, 2025
Andrea Deerheart PhD

This course is designed for individuals who are seeking to cultivate a harmonious relationship with both life and death. It is particularly beneficial for healthcare professionals, caregivers, and friends and family members of those facing life-threatening or terminal illnesses.

Experiential Course
March 24 — 26, 2025
Master Ou Wen Wei

Learn Pangu Shengong, a mystical qigong system that uses the power of the universe for healing, through this immersion study with its originator, Master Ou Wen Wei.

Experiential Course
March 27 — 31, 2025
Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar

Regular cleanses are an important part of the Ayurvedic seasonal routine as they aid in disease prevention and wellness.You will gain an understanding of your personal constitution and the basic tools to keep your body, mind, and spirit in balance as you move forward in your life.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 27 — 29, 2025
Nancy Colier

Nancy will lay out the tools for how to loosen your fixation and absolute belief in your thoughts and narratives to discover a quieter mind and a different experience of who you fundamentally are.

Experiential Course
March 27 — 30, 2025
Shamini Jain

Through deep learning and experiential group practice, you are invited to expand the boundaries of what you think is possible for personal and collective healing. Come learn about the scientific evidence supporting the power of energy-healing practices — along with approachable techniques for application.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 30, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 31 — April 3, 2025

Journey into your own heart with Ragani and her band, as they share the timeless practice of Kirtan — and share the transformational effects of sound and vibration.

Yoga Vacation Program
March 31 — April 2, 2025
Nora Benian (Sundari)

In this program, we will learn and practice safe and specific therapeutic postures for spinal health, hip and shoulder mobility to help relieve pain and increase energy flow.

Professional Training
April 3 — 8, 2025
Nora Benian (Sundari)

Restorative yoga is a regenerative healing tool you can integrate into yoga classes, healing treatments, or use in restorative-specific classes. you leave with the ability to confidently teach a primary series of restorative poses to your students as well as incorporate them into your own practice.

Experiential Course
April 3 — 8, 2025
Nora Benian (Sundari)

Take time to rest your nervous system and allow healing to happen by supporting the mind and body with restorative yoga. During this program, you will practice a full series of restorative postures, complemented with gentle stretching, breathing, and meditation.

Professional Training
April 3 — 12, 2025
Mary Ann Johnson (Isvari) and Denise Chapman (Vidya)

Marma (acupressure) points are energy pathways for profoundly healing the body, mind, and consciousness. This course is ideal for healing arts therapists and bodyworkers who can incorporate Marma therapy in their practices, as well as anyone interested in learning this profound self-healing modality.

Yoga Teacher Training
April 4 — May 1, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Yoga Teacher Training
April 4 — May 1, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Deepen and expand your knowledge and practice as a yoga teacher through this four-week immersion into advanced yogic practices of hatha yoga, meditation, pranayama, Sanskrit, and the Sivananda teachings.

Yoga Vacation Program
April 6 — 8, 2025
Matthew Cohen

Discover Sacred Energy Arts - A celebration of being alive, a method of cultivating radiant health and an inward path towards freedom and creative expression.

Yoga Vacation Program
April 9 — 11, 2025
Claire Bidwell Smith

Come explore the journey of embracing grief as a catalyst for healing and personal growth. This program is an invitation to consciously traverse the intricate landscapes of sorrow and emerge with a profound sense of transformation and connection.

Experiential Course
April 9 — 12, 2025
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)

Join Marta for this transformative four-day experience and discover natural methods to fortify your bones and enhance bone density, whether you're dealing with osteopenia or osteoporosis or focused on proactive prevention.

Yoga Vacation Program
April 12, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Enjoy a delicious vegetarian feast, a reading of the Haggadah, Passover chants, and teachings on Passover’s relationship to yogic principles.

Yoga Vacation Program
April 13 — 16, 2025
Claudia Welch, Ramkumar Kutty, Erin Casperson, Emily Glaser, RN, and Kimberly Kubicke

Join this highly knowledgable and experienced group of practitioners for an exploration of Ayurveda, Yoga, Jyotisha, Vedic administration and various concepts that relate to them all, and how they are interconnected.

Experiential Course
April 14 — 19, 2025
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)

Children will enjoy a wide range of activities, including yoga, crafts, and stories from Passover, Easter, and yogic scriptures.

Experiential Course
April 14 — 19, 2025
Bhargavi Chaitanya

In this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.

Yoga Vacation Program
April 17 — 19, 2025
Allison Dennis

Experience how sound can unlock deep emotions within you, sparking self-discovery and revealing your true nature. Through attentive listening and heartfelt expression, unleash the full potential of your inner voice.

Yoga Vacation Program
April 20 — 22, 2025
Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

Join Dr. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati on a powerful weekend of self discovery where you will discover, embrace, and live in your highest truth. Come develop new patterns of authentic, courageous living and learn powerful practices to free yourself whenever you may get stuck.

Yoga Teacher Training
April 21 — 29, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

For those students who took the 200-hr Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training online and wish to add to their certification.

Experiential Course
April 21 — 25, 2025
Dr. Marisa Jackson-Kinman (Sri Devi)

Join us for a 5-day transformative journey into the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda. This course offers a deep dive into Ayurvedic principles, seamlessly blending profound teachings with meditative practices to integrate wisdom into the fabric of your being.

Experiential Course
April 21 — 26, 2025
Bhargavi Chaitanya

In this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.

Experiential Course
April 21 — 26, 2025
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)

Children will enjoy a wide range of activities, including yoga, crafts, and stories from Passover, Easter, and yogic scriptures.

Yoga Vacation Program
April 26, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
April 27 — 30, 2025
Rose Khalsa

With decades of training and first hand experience having lost her two sons, Rose will share from her heart and guide you in understanding how to consciously prepare yourself for the inevitable passing of those you love and how support those who are preparing to cross over.

Yoga Vacation Program
May 1, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Celebrate the lineage of Advaita Vedanta with prayer, puja, and prasad.

Yoga Teacher Training
May 4 — 31, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Yoga Vacation Program
May 10 — 12, 2025
Lauren Walker

In this weekend workshop we will explore ways of accessing your innate love, healing, and nourishing energy.  Using the tools of Energy Medicine, Yoga, Journaling, Breathwork, and Deep Inquiry, you’ll leave feeling supported, whole, and joyous at your newfound self-understanding. 

Yoga Vacation Program
May 15 — July 31, 2025
Swami Paramananda Giri

The practice of listening to a great saint or Mahatma relay the knowledge of the Vedas, ancient scriptural texts in India, has been the foundation for spiritual liberation for countless people.This immersion offers the doorway through which moksha or true freedom is attained.

Yoga Vacation Program
May 18 — 21, 2025
Gary Kraftsow

Join us for an enlightening program and deep dive into the use of symbolism, yoga, chanting, pranayama, and meditation to support spiritual practitioners actualize their innate Divine human potential.

Yoga Teacher Training
May 21 — 29, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

For those students who took the 200-hr Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training online and wish to add to their certification.

Yoga Vacation Program
May 21 — 23, 2025
Indranil Mallick, Partha Bose, and Oindrila Roy Mallick

Experience unique instrumental and dance performances and workshops featuring the ancient melody of sitar accompanied by tabla and bharatnaryam classical south Indian Dance.

Experiential Course
May 23 — 29, 2025
Grace Van Berkum

Increase energy and vitality, reduce inflammation, recalibrate the taste buds, and clear the mind with this 7-day fresh food detox.

Yoga Vacation Program
May 23 — 25, 2025
Scott Schwenk

Deepen your ability to connect with clarity, creative inspiration, renewal and embodied wholeness. Dive into healing experiences with practical tools you can take home use to thrive.

Yoga Vacation Program
May 26 — 28, 2025
John Minks and Anne Marie Miller

Experience a multi-sensory soundscape with a full array of musical experience combining gongs, chimes, bowls and other instruments.

Yoga Vacation Program
May 29, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
June 1 — 9, 2025
Dr. John Douillard, James Twyman, Krista Holland, Suba Ramesh Parmar, Ramesh Parmar, Menas Kafatos, and Swan Michelle (Michelle Baker)

In honor of the Sivananda lineage and Swami Swaroopananda's birthday, we invite all guests, friends, and residents of the ashram to come together for a celebration with our guest presenters for A Festival of Light!

Professional Training
June 2 — 5, 2025
Dr. John Douillard

Learn how to feel the changing of vata, pitta, and kapha throughout the day and how to identify can correct imbalances based on the ancient art of Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis.

Yoga Teacher Training
June 3 — 30, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Yoga Vacation Program
June 10 — 13, 2025
Daniel Orlansky

Enjoy graceful and gentle movements in both forms and embrace the powerful effects of both qigong and yoga as you detoxify the body and increase your strength, flexibility, and peace of mind.

Experiential Course
June 11 — 13, 2025
Swan Michelle (Michelle Baker)

Learn some of the most pure toned, high frequency instruments as tools for elevating consciousness in meditation, Sound Baths, Sound Journey’s and all forms of harmonious, high frequency holistic arts while receiving daily healing sessions yourself.

Yoga Vacation Program
June 16 — 18, 2025
Nathan Katz, Steven Heine, and Vasudha Narayanan

This seminar will feature three distinguished scholars who will guide us through Zen, Hindu, Kabbalistic and Tibetan approximations of the Light and its counterpart, Darkness.

Yoga Vacation Program
June 19 — 21, 2025
Thomas Amelio

Discover how to apply the art of yogic meditation for freedom, clarity, and joy in our daily lives. We are pleased to offer this special program in respect to International Yoga Day on June 21, 2025.

Yoga Teacher Training
June 20 — 28, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

For those students who took the 200-hr Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training online and wish to add to their certification.

Yoga Vacation Program
June 25, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
June 28 — July 1, 2025
Luna Ray and Joshua Cantor

Join Luna Ray and Joshua Canter for an inspiring retreat as we use mindfulness and body-centered approaches to explore the mystical and heart opening practices of bhakti yoga.

Yoga Teacher Training
July 3 — 30, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Yoga Vacation Program
July 7 — 10, 2025
Kim Bellisimo

Learn powerful techniques that can help you ground and clear your energy field of negative influences and align your intentions with the conscious use of energy through Kim's transformational EnergyWorks Method.

Yoga Vacation Program
July 10, 2025
Krishnan Namboodiri

This is a very auspicious ritual to commemorate the memory of the great spiritual teachers.

Yoga Vacation Program
July 14, 2025

Join us for this special day of puja and prayer to honor the Mahasamadhi of our founder and guru Swami Sivananda.

Yoga Vacation Program
July 18 — 20, 2025
Ram Rao

Discover holistic tools to maintain synchronicity between the body, mind, and emotions, allowing them to function as a cohesive unit in order to live a happier, healthier, longer life.

Yoga Teacher Training
July 20 — 28, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

For those students who took the 200-hr Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training online and wish to add to their certification.

Yoga Vacation Program
July 27, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
July 31 — August 3, 2025
Steven Weiss

Come explore the dynamics of anatomy and how to precisely apply alignment to common yoga postures. We will delve into the goals in specific postures as well an anatomically-based rationale for all postures and forms of movement.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 26, 2025
Krishnan Namboodiri and Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Join us for this sacred ceremony to strengthen your own resolves and bring stamina and fortitude into your life.

Yoga Vacation Program
August 26, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Special Event
September 8, 2025
Krishnan Namboodiri and Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Join us in the joyful celebration of Swami Sivananda’s life.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 13, 2025
Krishnan Namboodiri

Celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna with prayer, puja, and prasad.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 22 — October 2, 2025
Krishnan Namboodiri

Celebrate the Shakti (power) of the Divine Feminine manifested as Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.

Yoga Vacation Program
September 30, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
October 26, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 1 — 4, 2025
Lee Harrington (Mirabai)

Learn basic theories behind Tibetan rejuvenation practices and rare but simple methods from the “Spiritual Healing” branch of Tibetan medicine (and from tantric Buddhist traditions)--all of which help cultivate physical, mental and spiritual health.

Experiential Course
November 1 — 8, 2025
Mary Ann Johnson (Isvari) and Denise Chapman (Vidya)

Learn and experience the deeply regenerative and healing techniques of Ayurveda body treatments, also known as “Bliss Therapy.”

Yoga Teacher Training
November 4 — December 1, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Yoga Teacher Training
November 4 — December 1, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Deepen and expand your knowledge and practice as a yoga teacher through this four-week immersion into advanced yogic practices of hatha yoga, meditation, pranayama, Sanskrit, and the Sivananda teachings.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 5 — 7, 2025
Manas Kshirsagar

Join us for this transformative program about the mind-body connection and learn how to harmonize your mental and physical well-being through Ayurvedic Psychology for a more balanced and vibrant life!

Yoga Vacation Program
November 7 — 10, 2025
Vallari Kshirsagar

This program will be an exercise in expanding our movement vocabulary and elevating our journey of personal growth and development. Come rediscover your energy, flexibility, strength, balance and resilience.

Experiential Course
November 9 — 13, 2025
Manas Kshirsagar

Experience an authentic Ayurvedic fall cleanse tailored to your personal constitution to help detoxify and create optimal wellbeing in body, mind, and soul.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 9 — 11, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

Join us for this special celebration of puja and prayer to honor the Mahasamadhi and Jalasamadhi of our founder and guru Swami Vishnudevananda.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 11 — 13, 2025

Embark on a captivating musical odyssey with renowned kirtan artist, Girish, as he guides you towards a profound and transformative experience through the power of sacred chanting. Open your heart, unlock your voice, and let the transformative power of kirtan guide you towards your innermost self.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 13 — 16, 2025
Shamini Jain and Kirti Srivastava
Experiential Course
November 14 — 19, 2025

Join us as we find our soul's Voice together in one of the most pristinely beautiful and sacred places on the planet as we dive deep into our soulful, energetic possibilities and to choose Love, Healing, and Sacred Connection.

Experiential Course
November 24 — 29, 2025
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)

Children will be introduced to yoga through short asana classes, chanting, crafts, storytelling, and lots of games and fun.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 24, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

Yoga Teacher Training
December 4 — 31, 2025
Senior Staff of the Yoga Retreat

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Learn how to bring the benefits of classical yoga to others and take your yoga practice to a deeper, more meaningful level.

Experiential Course
December 26 — 31, 2025
Bhargavi Chaitanya

In this program, teens 13 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.

Experiential Course
December 26 — 31, 2025
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)

During this family yoga holiday, kids will be introduced to yoga through short asana classes, chanting, crafts, storytelling, and lots of games and fun.

Yoga Vacation Program
December 28, 2025
Swami Swaroopananda

Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.

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