Yoga Vacation Program
October 15 — 17, 2024

Maximize your vital energy: Exploring Prana and Pranayama

Swami Brahmananda

Through the practice of Pranayama, the body becomes strong and healthy and the Mind becomes one-pointed. With regular practice, you will begin to experience long-term joy, spiritual light, and peace of mind. The Yogi has the ability to store an abundance of Prana by regular practice of Pranayama just as the storage battery stores electricity. The Yogi who has stored up a large supply of Prana radiates strength and vitality all around.

During this Pranayama Weekend Retreat, Swami Brahmananda will guide you through sessions of Pranayama practices to increase vitality and mental focus. You will learn the proper technique of the Pranayama exercises and gain a thorough understanding of the tremendous benefits of Pranayama practice. You will also receive valuable guidance on how to cultivate your own Pranayama Practice at home.

What you’ll learn:

  • Gain tools and understanding of how to systematically develop your Pranayama practice at home
  • Increase your vitality and power of concentration
  • Gain a thorough knowledge of the correct way to practice Kapalabhati and Anuloma Viloma
  • Realize how Pranayama practice leads to vibrant and inspired living.

Offered as 3 satsangs and 2 workshops (subject to change).

The presentations associated with this Yoga Vacation Program begin with an 8pm satsang on the first day of the program and conclude with an 8 pm satsang on the last day of the program.  Click here to read more about the Yoga Vacation Program details and view the ashram schedule for yoga classes and meals during your stay. We suggest you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your program for the optimal experience.

Swami Brahmananda is Manager of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat and senior staff of the Sivananda organization. A long-time practitioner of yoga, he regularly teaches yoga philosophy and meditation for the Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Courses as well as meditation immersion courses. He is a much-loved, inspiring, and knowledgeable teacher.

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