
Yoga Lifestyle & Practice

The Power of Gratitude: A Universal Practice Across All Faiths

Gratitude is more than just a polite “thank you” or an expression of appreciation when things are going well—it’s a transformative way of viewing life that has the power to uplift, heal, and bring deeper meaning to our existence. It’s a practice that t …

Cooling Down: Five Ayurvedic Tips for Managing Pitta in Summer

With the hot months of summer upon us, it’s important to balance the fire element in your body. In Ayurveda, our body is composed of five elements: water, fire, earth, wind, and space. Each person has a unique mix of these elements, and when fire is pr …

Why Sleep is the Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Health (And How to Implement Good Sleep Hygiene)

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, sleep often takes a backseat. Yet, it’s one of the most crucial factors for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Both Yoga and Ayurveda emphasize the significance of sleep, known as “Nidra”, as essential f …

Yoga of Recovery: Why We’re Addicted and How Yoga Brings Back Balance

Yoga is the bridge from unwanted dependency to  healthy and happy attachment in moderation. In reality, we are the masters of our minds and our bodies. Yoga shows us the way to regaining control of our thoughts and actions.

Yoga for Children and Families

The Family Yoga Holiday Program at Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat gives families a chance to take a break from their busy lives and come back to themselves. Children get to experience kid-friendly yogic activities during the times when parents participa …

The Power of Sacred Sounds: How to Use Mantra to Cultivate Balance

The long use of Sanskrit mantras continues into the modern day; this ancient practice can bring incredible benefit to your own life and is easy to incorporate into the busiest of schedules. Read more to discover how to uplift yourself with mantra and how to use and incorporate mantra practices (such as kirtan, meditation with a japa mala, etc.) in your daily life so that you too can experience profound benefits for energy, concentration, and mental health. 

Don’t Stress the ZZZs: Yoga and Sleep

Hatha yoga involves gentle body postures and breathing techniques. Putting one’s body in these gentle postures helps to release tension and pain that could be holding you back from good sleep; breathing techniques center and calm the mind, helping to reduce the chatter that keeps you awake in bed.

Yogic Recipes for Busy Lives: Yummy Superfood Banana Nice Cream

Some people limit their fruit intake to just mornings or desserts. Yogis say, eat more fruit! This refreshing snack is filled with vitamins, antioxidants, and all the health-promoting properties of fruit.

Yogic Recipes for Busy Lives: Carrot, Watercress, Beet Tricolor Salad

Salads, among other raw, light, foods are especially well- received by the body during the warm, summer months. In Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, you can use food to balance your own body. So when the temperature is hot outside, eating cooling meals brings balance.

Yogic Recipes for Busy Lives: Creamy Avocado Zucchini Noodles

If you’re looking to make digestion easier and simpler for your system, zucchini noodles are the perfect pasta substitution. You can use a handheld spiralizer to curl your zucchini into noodles. Beets and carrots are also great vegetables to spiralize!

How to Prepare for the May 15th Total Lunar Eclipse: Dos and Don’ts Guide to Prayer, Puja, and Gratitude

When the gods and the demons churned the milky ocean in days of yore, nectar came out of it. Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Mohini, a charming lady, deluded the demons and distributed the nectar only among the gods. But Rahu had disguised himself as a …

Quotes to Live By: Your Guide to Yogic Wisdom In Bite-Size Form for Further Reflection, Peace of Mind, and Inner Clarity

There are many reasons why Master Sivananda is considered a veritable sage by those in India and abroad. Beyond his exemplary behavior, cheery attitude, and the uplifting impression he left on everyone that met him, there is the sheer volume of writing …

7 Ways to Honor Planet Earth: Celebrate Earth Day with Yogic Practices for Grounding the Body and Healing Mother Nature

How do we honor planet Earth? By honoring ourselves, each other, every living creature and Mother Nature. What does honoring look like? Honoring entails understanding that we are all connected to each other, that unity is the reality and that separation is the illusion.

The Backbone of Yogic Ethics: The Moral Codes of Right Living, the Yamas and the Niyamas

The 5 Yamas (social ethics) and the 5 Niyamas (personal observances) are thought of as the 10 commandments of the yogic way of life.  The Yamas and the Niyamas build character and ensure a sturdy foundation, without which the house of yogic practice (postures, breathwork) and benefits (peace of mind, joy, good health) would fall.

Ayurveda 101, The Science of Life: How to Use the 3 Doshas for Optimal Living

Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine that originated in India more than 3,000 years ago! Derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge), Ayurveda translates to the knowledge or science of life. Knowledge of Ayurveda helps one to maintain general health and wellbeing long-term by allowing one to treat imbalances as they occur and before they manifest as greater problems to worry about (such as serious illnesses).

Manifestation 101: Define Your Intention and Bring Abundance Into Your Life

Manifestation has been the buzzword in the spiritual community for the last decade. Described at length in the Law of Attraction and by Deepak Chopra, Oprah, and various other prominent figures, manifestation tells us that we can will the lives we truly want into existence. But how? By setting the right intention. Intention is the starting point of every dream you wish to come to fruition, every reality you are capable of manifesting.

Power of Sound: Heal Yourself with Kirtan

Chanting mantra, whether done through kirtan (joyous chanting), japamala (repetition of mantra using prayer beads), or silent meditation is a practice. A practice has its ups and downs. Maintaining your own mantra practice requires discipline, determination, and concentration. When discipline, determination, and concentration wane, it helps to have a community that will uplift you.

Yoga, Nutrition, and the Ashram Experience: An Interview with Mona Sharma

And then the doctors say: Mona, if we go through with the surgery, you might have to wear a pacemaker for the rest of your life. That was when I decided: no more; that’s it. This is not my life. This is not my health, I know there’s a better way. And I knew that I had to get back home, home to my inner self, I had to return to the ashram.

Healing Ourselves: An Interview with Dr. Shamini Jain

A healer is essentially anyone who facilitates healing in another person. And honestly, it doesn’t necessarily just mean energy or spiritual healing. It is someone that believes in what they’re offering, that puts the patient first, that has a positive attitude. The healer isn’t actually doing any healing, it’s the person who is sick that is doing the healing, all the healer does is open up the pathways in the person’s body to facilitate that healing.

Art Of Self-Love with Dr. Shamini Jain

The workshop began with a dance of surrender to Durga. Shamini cleverly avoided inducing the anxiety of performance in our minds by bringing our awareness slowly into the interior: first, she asked us to move. The silence felt deafening, the eyes begged to remain open and the body felt awkward… finally, the music came.

Yogic Tips for Staying Healthy During Uncertain Times

May 7, 2020 The past few months of 2020 have been a trying time for the entire world. There isn’t one person who hasn’t been affected by this global pandemic, whether it’s physically, economically, mentally, or emotionally. The most important thing we …

Who Takes the Yoga Teacher Training? Stories from Sivananda Graduates

“Unity in Diversity” is a hallmark of the Sivananda tradition, the phrase used by Swami Vishudevananda as he set out on his missions for world peace. But even before his historic flights to trouble spots around the world, Swami Vishnu launched his effo …

We’re Recruiting: Cook and Assistant Cooks Needed

Karma Yoga (work-service) Positions Available   Add this unique experience to your C.V. whether you just graduated from culinary school or are an experienced cook. By expanding your expertise and expressing your creativity in healthy, nutritious m …

8 Yogic Techniques to Enhance Your Sleep Ritual

By Nora Benian (Sundari) Why is it so hard to fall asleep — and stay asleep? I’ve experienced several phases of my life when falling asleep and staying asleep was a challenge. These difficulties usually came along with growth spurts (physical, emotiona …

Discover 6 delicious recipes — and a whole lot more.

  Get the free PDF booklet now! Yogic Recipes for Busy Lives   Dear Friends,   We are happy to share with you our new (free!) recipe booklet, Yogic Recipes for Busy Lives. This little treasure was inspired by many interesting conversatio …

How to Creatively Find Yoga Teaching Opportunities

We all know that doing yoga has many benefits. But teaching yoga also has many benefits that are both spiritual and practical including: Sharing knowledge that transforms people’s lives Giving back to the community Practicing public speaking Enhancing …

The Meaning of Satsang

“…the beginner will do well to take the opportunity that comes in his way to strengthen his own aspirations by communion with others who share them.” — Swami Sivananda, Bliss Divine Everyone is encouraged to attend both satsangs every day in the ashr …

A Pivotal Moment in Fish Pose: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Bea Doyle Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Sivananda Yoga …

Grounding through Shoulderstand: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Sri Devi (Jennie Hastings) Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted b …

The Power of Savasana

By Ali Shevlin (Rukmini) Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Siv …

The Wrong Triangle Pose: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Mark Hanuman Geraghty Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Siv …

A Rush of Blood to the Head with Standing Forward Bend

By Nora Sundari Benian Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Sivan …

Finding Balance, the Space Between Extremes: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Daniel Rama Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Sivananda Yog …

Lightening up in the Spinal Twist: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Carolyn Uma Berry Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Sivanan …

The Ugliest Bow: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Katie Ambika Papo Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Sivanan …

Learning to Love the Locust: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Mahadevi (Robyn Hennon) Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by S …

How Cobra Lifted Me Up: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Stacie Saraswati Dooreck Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by …

Paschimothanasana and Breaking My Own Resistance: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Surya Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Sivananda Yoga prac …

How Halasana Became Family: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Shahar Arjuna Kovetz Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Siva …

Making Peace with Sun Salutations: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Annapurna Devi (Grace Welker) Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitte …

Conquering Headstand at Age 61: Sivananda Yoga Posture Stories

By Padmavati Over time, our experience of yoga asanas evolves beyond the physical — the postures become our teachers and companions, showing us our relationship with ourselves and the world. Enjoy this collection of stories submitted by Sivananda Yoga …

Personal Stories: Connecting with the Sivananda Yoga Postures

We created a series of blog posts that follow the sequence of the Sivananda Yoga practice. All are true stories from brave souls who were willing to share their inner workings and private relationship with a certain posture or practice. Read the storie …

Nurture Your Body with Winter Stew

When the weather gets colder, our bodies tend to crave heavier comfort foods. To help satisfy cravings and nurture the body at the same time, a hearty stew has the power to warm you from the inside out. Stews are an especially convenient winter go-to f …

Finding and Feeling Gratitude in a Material World

Many of us have a foot in two different worlds. In the world of yoga, we learn about gratitude, selfless giving, and being grateful for what we have. We give to practice generosity, and to remind ourselves that we already have more than enough. Aspirin …

When Life Becomes a Spiritual Practice: 5 Qualities of a Selfless Yogi

   “The first step in the spiritual path is selfless service to humanity.” —Swami Sivananda   Want to feel more spiritually fulfilled in your life? You may already have a wonderful meditation practice and a rewarding yoga routine. But what ab …

Why Cleanse?

The upkeep of a healthy and pure body is a crucial part of the spiritual path, because a healthy body is important for spiritual practice. With a healthy body, meditation, yoga, and spiritual practice are possible. With a cleansed body, the mind become …

Yoga & Recovery

Many of us first turned to yoga whilst looking for change. It takes great courage and openness to heal our negative habits and create new healthy ones. No matter our habits, addictions, or cravings, yogic practices can transform them from the inside ou …

Understanding Grief and Love: Presenter Spotlight with Antonio Sausys

Please share what you do. I work with grieving individuals using a somatic psychotherapeutic protocol to address grief symptoms. It enables the re-identification process that follows an important loss. Why do you do what you do? I learned through my ow …

4 (More) Hard Lessons I Learned From Karma Yoga

In 2014, Katie Papo (Ambika) wrote Three Hard Lessons I Learned from Karma Yoga, describing the culminating lessons of her experiences in the Karma Yoga/Residential Study Program at the ashram. After several more years in the karma yoga program, here s …

You Are What You Eat: The Yogic Lifestyle #3

How many facets of yoga do you know? How many do you practice? At the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas, a destination for yogis from around the world, yoga is based on five points that are practiced regularly in order to achieve wholeness in your …

Think Positive and Meditate: The Yogic Lifestyle #5

How many facets of yoga do you know? How many do you practice? At the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas, a destination for yogis from around the world, yoga is based on five points that are practiced regularly in order to achieve wholeness in your …

Relax Your Body, Relax Your Mind: The Yogic Lifestyle #4

How many facets of yoga do you know? How many do you practice? At the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas, a destination for yogis from around the world, yoga is based on five points that are practiced regularly in order to achieve wholeness in your …

Mindfully Move Your Body: The Yogic Lifestyle #2

How many facets of yoga do you know? How many do you practice? At the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas, a destination for yogis from around the world, yoga is based on five points that are practiced regularly in order to achieve wholeness in your …

Breathe Deeply: The Yogic Lifestyle #1

How many facets of yoga do you know? How many do you practice? At the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas, a destination for yogis from around the world, yoga is based on five points that are practiced regularly in order to achieve wholeness in your …

Life Change Through Yoga Teacher Training

The Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) was created not only to train people to become yoga teachers but to become ambassadors of peace in the world. Now more than ever, we need people committed to their own personal transformation through yog …

The Full Yogic Breath

When the breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is still, so is the mind still.  —Hatha Yoga Pradipika   Benefits of the Full Yogic Breath Practitioners at all levels benefit from the Full Yogic Breath, which increases lung capa …

Diving into Swami Vishnudevananda’s Five Points of Yoga

In these days of mindfulness, positive psychology and the science of happiness, the yogic lifestyle is the ideal approach to health and well-being. Why? Because much of what we may think of as new has actually been taught in the yoga tradition for mill …

Learning to Teach Yoga: Three TTC Students Share Their Experiences

Among the 32 graduates who spent a month in the ashram’s intensive Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) are three students who shared their experience of a demanding and rewarding month on Paradise Island: Rocky Vega, Stuart Bishop, and Robin H …

5 Simple Practices to Balance Your Body This Winter

  by Katie Papo (Ambika)   We all know how easy it is to fall out of balance — especially in winter, when we gravitate more toward heavy comfort foods and become less active. Although eating warmer, heavier foods and slowing down in the winte …

When Tech Meets Yoga: Sivananda Yoga Teacher Gopi Kallayil

  What do a Google executive and a yoga teacher have in common? They are embodied in Sivananda Yoga Teacher Gopi Kallayil, whose job as Chief Evangelist for Brand Marketing at Google has sent him throughout the world delivering the company message …

Ayurveda for Healthy Air Travel

  A comprehensive health-care science, Ayurveda emerged from the same Vedic culture as yoga, in northern India, and its foundations come from the Vedas, the oldest books in the world. Used for medical interventions and treatments, Ayurveda also em …

Juice Cleanse, Detox & Nutrition Retreats

Ready for a healthy change? Periodic cleansing is highly recommended in a yogic lifestyle. In addition to the physical benefits, cleansing also helps to refresh the mind and the spirit. The end result is more clarity, energy, and joy. Enjoy this inspir …

Proper Sitting Techniques for Yogis & Office Workers

Sitting looks easy, but it’s not. With so many people at work or school being required to sit for great lengths of time — not to mention practicing yogis who sit for meditation — no wonder so many of us struggle with what should be a simple task. Angel …

Introduction to Meditation

We’re all conditioned to look on the outside for happiness, whether it’s relaxing in a hammock or indulging in a slice of chocolate cake. But how long can you lie in a hammock? And think about the cake: one slice is great, maybe two, even three. But fi …

Advanced Yoga Teacher Training: A Conversation with Amelia Travis

When she graduated from the Teacher Training Course (TTC) as a Sivananda Yoga teacher four years ago, Amelia Travis had no idea that a business concept formed during that training would lead back to Sivananda, this time to the Advanced Teacher Training …

Yoga for Healthy Bones

About half of all people over age 50 have low bone mass, says yoga teacher and wellness practitioner Beata Barnard (Savitri-Devi). Bone loss is in such high proportion that an estimated 70 percent of hip fractures are related to osteoporosis. This epid …

Aging Well with Yoga

  Silvia San Miguel (Surya) is an example of how to age beautifully. At 71, she has a straight back, a calm demeanor, a slender figure. All of this, she says, is the result of a lifestyle that focuses on health and is deeply rooted in the culture …

Ayurveda: Ancient Healing for a Modern World

Healthy foods can change the physiology of the body, says Marc Halpern, DC, but often our senses are so inundated with junk that we ignore what’s best for us. Bad food, violent TV, stress-inducing noise — “we’re so distracted by the party that the sens …

Joining the Brunch Team as a Karma Yogi in the Bahamas Kitchen

by Karma Yogi Barbara Clarke It may sound daunting to show up for kitchen duty as a Karma Yogi at 6.30 am on your first day, but the smell of homemade bread, freshly mixed cinnamon granola and ginger-infused sauces is enough to lift anyone’s spirits. T …

Three Hard Lessons I Learned from Karma Yoga (That Were Totally Worth It)

By Katie Papo (Ambika) I started off the New Year of 2011 pretty weak. Not sick. Just weak — little discipline, a few nagging addictions, and a hard time staying with my yoga practice, or any kind of healthful exercise for that matter. A friend told me …

Yoga Nidra Meditative Relaxation

Take some deeply nourishing time to connect within during this guided Yoga Nidra meditative relaxation practice. These 30 minutes of self-care can be done seated or lying down, eyes open or closed. Save this page and use as often as possible! Why not . …

The Sivananda Daily Chant

  Chant with us! Please enjoy this video of the Sivananda Daily Chant, led by Swami Hridyananda and filmed during satsang at the Yoga Retreat in March 2014. We hope you find inspiration and return often. Here is the translation:   Jaya Gaṇeśa …

Chair Yoga for Travel

by Stacie Dooreck (Saraswati) Have you ever been at the airport, on a plane or a bus and felt like you really needed to stretch? You start wishing you could just get where you’re going to do some yoga to ease that stiff back or those tight shoulders. W …

Take Time to Relax in Savasana

by Katie Papo (Ambika) Crunches and leg lifts were my go-to boredom fighter while everyone else laid in savasana (corpse pose) at the end of yoga class. I first started practicing yoga for the workout, so the last thing I wanted was to imitate a dead p …

Yoga in the Modern World

Question: I feel discouraged when I look out at the experience of yoga as it is called in the world today. It seems that it has become an exercise class and lost its true meaning. I am wondering if you have any words of encouragement. Answer: In my vie …

Yoga and the Art of Eating

by Katie Papo (Ambika) When I think back to my teenage glory days, mindlessly shoving pizza nuggets into my face while watching TV, “art” is not the first word to come to mind. Yet, as my yoga practice evolved, so did my eating. Here’s why: when we pra …

8 Tips for the Traveling Yogi: Keeping Up Your Yoga Practice

By Katie Papo (Ambika) Just because you’re breaking free from your regular routine doesn’t mean you need to leave your yoga at home. Try these tips the next time you travel. 1. Create an intention. Remember why you practice yoga. To cultivate good heal …

Chanting Ahimsa

by Nicole Vahlkamp (Nirmala) It is 6 o’clock in the morning and 200 people are sitting cross-legged on a large wooden platform surrounded by palm trees made slightly iridescent by the contrast between the slowly rising sun and the shadows of the dissol …

Travel Yoga: Essential Tips from Julie Lusk

Making flight arrangements for your next trip to the Bahamas? Plan ahead so you can travel smart and stay balanced. Holistic health specialist Julie Lusk shares this excerpt from her e-book on Travel Yoga to help make your air travel more peaceful and …

De-Stressing 101

By Silvia San Miguel (Surya). Reposted here with the authors’ permission. We all know the negative impact of stress on our physical, mental and emotional health. Another thing is to know what to do to live stress-free. A moderate level of stress is a n …

De-Stressing 102

By Silvia San Miguel (Surya). Reposted here with the authors’ permission. In De-Stressing 101, I looked at the signs of a state of chronic agitation, a precursor of a stress breakdown and proposed a change in lifestyle based on the 5 Points of Yoga tau …

“Unity in Diversity” by Swami Swaroopananda

Download the PDF of this article written by Swami Swaroopananda published in Parabola Magazine, Feb 2012

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