
Joining the Brunch Team as a Karma Yogi in the Bahamas Kitchen

by Karma Yogi Barbara Clarke

It may sound daunting to show up for kitchen duty as a Karma Yogi at 6.30 am on your first day, but the smell of homemade bread, freshly mixed cinnamon granola and ginger-infused sauces is enough to lift anyone’s spirits. That first day, I had a chance to observe the strict regime needed to feed 180 hungry visitors at precisely 10 o’clock every morning.

A typical breakfast at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat consists of a cold buffet with fruits, cereals, porridge, wholemeal toast and spreads, a hot buffet of soup and four main vegetarian dishes, and a separate salad bar with lettuce, spinach, carrots, beets, and the dressing of the day. All washed down with the herbal tea of the day, infused with mint, bay and other health giving herbs.

As would be expected the “regulars” were well on top of the routine and knew exactly what to do — and where and when to do it. The kitchen was full of happy kneaders, choppers, steamers all working happily at their posts. Carrots, beets, broccoli, snow peas, yams and the biggest pile of potatoes I have ever seen.

So with everyone gainfully occupied it made sense to start the newbie off on chopping oranges, cucumbers and melons. Luckily the chopping area faces the seashore and with a gentle wind flowing through all morning it was an ideal place to chop away and be mindful.

Food preparation takes around 3 hours — and then the team is ready to set up.

At precisely 9.30 the spreads are put out – butter, jam, peanut butter and cream cheese — together with a huge variety of millks. Then the salads and finally the hot dishes are brought to the buffet. Both brunch and dinner menus change constantly and the variety seems endless.

The camaraderie amongst the team more than makes up for the huge piles of washing up – and we were delighted to see the new intake of TTCs who turned their hands to service with a huge dose of enthusiasm. They even taught us old hands some tricks on washing up.

I had heard on the grapevine that this was one of the favourite shifts for a Karma Yogi and I am in complete agreement — and not a little awe.


Interested in serving as a Karma Yogi at the ashram? Check out the options.

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