
Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Presenter Spotlight Q&A with Katie Papo (Ambika)

Please share what you do in 10-15 words:

I teach self-care, as well as help compulsive overeaters heal their relationship with food.

Why do you do what you do?

For much of my life I was repeatedly falling into self-destructive habits of self-sabotage. Even though I was able to put others before myself, I had trouble prioritizing my own health and well-being.

I understand how frustrating it can be to feel like you can’t even trust yourself to do what’s best for your own well-being. Now I work with people who are having this inner battle and need to find balance in their own lives.

What are you currently fascinated by in your work?

My clients have always been my mirrors. They show me exactly where I still need to grow. I find it amazing how the lessons we need to learn show up no matter what we’re doing or who we’re helping. In that way, everything we do becomes a spiritual practice.

How did you come to your path? Any aha moments or key teachers?

Swami Sivananda, Swami Vishnudevananda, and their disciples are my most cherished teachers. The Sivananda organization, specifically the Bahamas ashram, has grown me faster than I ever could have expected. I’ve spent years as a presenter, as a participant in the Karma Yoga Program, and I’ve also taken the Yoga Teacher Training Course.

The ashram has always given me exactly what I needed at the exact right time, whether I wanted it or not. I believe everyone should either join the Yoga Teacher Training Course or the Karma Yoga Program, at least once. They are incredible opportunities for self-development. I will carry what I learned with me for the rest of my life, and it has been a huge player in my personal healing process.

What book(s) did you like reading this year?

Teachings on Yoga Life by Swami Vishnudevananda, and Further Dimensions of Healing Addictions by Donna Cunningham. I also loved The Inner Life of Animals: Love, Grief, and Compassion. It shows how we are all so much more alike and connected than we realize, even regardless of species.

If you’ve taught at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat before, what is one surprising thing about the experience for you?

I’ve come to expect the unexpected at the ashram. The energy in the ashram always magically points me in the direction of serving in my life purpose more deeply. It amazes me every time.

In May 2019, I’m leading a program called Self-Care Weekend Retreat, which is a deep dive into the art of self-care for those struggling to maintain a healthy routine due to self-sacrifice, overwork, and burnout. Those who join this program will undoubtedly learn something new and unexpected about themselves … the energy of the ashram really brings out the best in everyone.



Katie Papo (Ambika) is best known for helping people create a healthy and peaceful relationship with food. She’s the host of the “Binge Eating to Food Freedom” podcast, reaching listeners in more than 120 countries.

Katie is a Sivananda Yoga teacher and longtime supporter of the ashram, leading many programs related to health, stress management, and relaxation techniques.


Upcoming Courses

Yoga Vacation Program
November 22 — 24, 2024
Katie Papo (Ambika)

Cultivate a stress-free, healthy, nurturing and peaceful and more effortless relationship with food, and with yourself.


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