
Mala Cunningham: Addressing heart disease with medical yoga | sivanandabahamas.org

Mala Cunningham: Addressing Heart Disease with Medical Yoga

Please share what you do in 10-15 words. I have developed a model of medical yoga called Cardiac Medical Yoga that is used for patients with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.

Why do you do what you do? Heart disease is the number-one killer is most countries in the world. Diabetic and heart patients need a modified and medical emphasis for their yoga practice. It is deeply rewarding to see the impact that yoga has on the lives of patients who have a medical condition.

What are you currently fascinated by in your work? When I started yoga in 1971, it was considered a "fad". Now, it has come full circle with hospitals and clinics around the world recognizing the tremendous benefit that yoga has to offer for both prevention and rehabilitation issues. It is a very exciting time to be involved in the area of medical yoga.

How did you come to your path? Any aha moments or key teachers? In the early 1980's, a colleague of mine who was 40-years-old at the time had a heart attack and sadly within cardiac rehab, there was nothing available for him to deal with his stress. Since I was already a yoga teacher and was also studying for my PhD in psychology, I realized that yoga could be used for both mental health and medical issues. It was at that time that I began to format a medical yoga model of care for patients dealing with diabetes and heart disease.

What book(s) are you currently reading? "The Untethered Should" by Michael Singer.

Have you been to the Yoga Retreat before? It is always a great pleasure to teach at the Sivananda Ashram. I deeply respect the depth of dedication to the yoga practices by the students of Swami Vishnu. It is very inspiring and admirable to see the next generation of yogis being so dedicated and committed to the principles and philosophy of the ancient yoga practices.

M. Mala Cunningham, Ph.D., C-IAYT, is a counseling psychologist and certified yoga therapist. She is also on the faculty at the University of Virginia School of Nursing where she teaches courses in lifestyle management and medical yoga to health professionals. Dr. Mala is the president of Positive Health Solutions and founder and director of the Cardiac Medical Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program and the Neuroscience and Yoga Teacher Training Program.

Dr. Mala is a leading speaker, educator, and trainer in the field of Lifestyle Medicine, Health Psychology, and Neuroscience. Her passion is creating a bridge between medicine, psychology, neuroscience, and yoga. Dr. Mala is a senior disciple of Swami Satchidananda and has been practicing and teaching yoga for more than 35 years.

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November 1 — 5, 2024
Mala Cunningham

Deepen your understanding of how and why yoga and meditation work through the lens of current neuroscience research and polyvagal theory. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on exercises, and practical applications, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the neurobiological effects of these ancient practices.


One thought on “Mala Cunningham: Addressing Heart Disease with Medical Yoga

  1. Dawn Siek

    Do you provide online training courses for cardiac yoga? I am the assistant nurse manager for a community hospital . I have developed a 12 session mindful mediation series for my patients but I want to do more . My former boss , Lucia Izzo was certified by you in cardiac yoga .
    Any information about classes would be so helpful .
    Thank you

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