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A Juice Fast Makes a Difference
When Mary Demere arrived at the ashram from New York City, her goal was to unwind from her fast-paced job in digital sales. So it was a stroke of luck that her roommate had enrolled in a 10-day detox course. "I thought, wouldn't it be great to start my yoga holiday with a detox."
She immediately signed up for the New Year's Cleanse, Detox, and Juice Fast with Manu Dawson, and learned how the body needs to detoxify, not just sugar and alcohol, but heavy metals and pollution. "It was less challenging than I thought in terms of being hungry," she said. "The challenge was dealing with the way my body was reacting; I broke out a lot, which was a physical manifestation of releasing the toxins. Then, further into detox, my flexibility improved and my meditation became deeper. It was nice."
"Essentially the goal and types of detox cleanses I do are trying to improve our own detox function," said teacher Manu Dawson, who has directed hundreds of people in detoxification protocols and regularly leads cleanses at the ashram. "Our body detoxifies naturally, well or not, depending on lifestyle. You want to employ the types of nutrients and food and juices that allow the body's natural detox to work better."
In general, the best foods to focus on are the cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale which contain indole-3-carbinol and glucosinolates to improve the body's ability to detoxify, or spinach and tomatoes which contain glutathione, an important antioxidant. Parsley is a great detoxifier and apples can remove toxins like diesel, because they contain ellagic acid.
Not ready for juicing? These seven recommendations to keep your body running well are from Suzanne Boothby's Coming Clean: A Conscious Guide to Food Cleanses.
1. Drink more water — bonus points for a squeeze of lemon
2. Go organic with food, personal care, cleaning products
3. Move your body regularly — bonus points for working up a sweat
4. Do breathing exercises (pranayama) to help oxygenate your body
5. Eat more fibre from plants, legumes, and whole grains
6. Reduce or eliminate alcohol
7. Don't smoke
During the program, participants begin with a three-day prep to detoxify, eating just raw foods then progressing to juice. "Detoxifying with juice is better," Manu said. "It gives the organs a rest and offers a concentration of vitamins." Varieties of vegetables are used in a number of juice recipes, and specific supplements are offered, such as probiotics to help absorption. Fiber is also taken in the evenings to clean out and recondition the bowels.
As the toxins are released, students can feel nauseous, or have intermittent diarrhea, headaches, or even colds, often because they're experiencing some of these viruses as they leave the body, Manu says. This happens not only physically but energetically, because food and waste material can carry emotional experiences. Asanas and meditation help them see these things and let them go.
While this program offers a comprehensive 10-day fast, you can reduce that to five and still get cellular removal, Manu says. "When you go back home, we recommend eating well, exercise, don't do long fasts, just one day detox every week. Plus recognize and eat detoxifying foods."
Staying on at the ashram several weeks after the detox program, Mary has been detoxing once a week, taking the supplements and drinking only water for the day. "In New York, I will probably buy fresh juices as long as they're all organic and natural, no sugar added."
The program, Mary says, teaches a lot about your body and how it reacts. "You learn about deficiencies, vitamins. Manu is an encyclopedia; he knows everything, and he sat down one-on-one to give recommendations. It was nice to have that."
Experience a complete mind, body, spirit renewal: View our upcoming healthy eating, nutrition, and cleanse programs.

Manu Dawson is a certified Yoga Nutrition Therapist and Integral Yoga teacher, who has worked in the natural foods industry for over 25 years and directed hundreds of people in detoxification protocols. He is the manager of the Integral Yoga Natural Apothecary in New York City, where he offers one-on-one diet and nutritional consultations. Manu is a direct disciple of Swami Satchidananda, who was a direct disciple of Swami Sivananda.
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Cleanse your body with raw food, juice, herbs and supplements.

Prepare for winter and the holidays — come cleanse, rejuvenate, invigorate, and firm up healthy habits for the months ahead and leave feeling refreshed, and connected to your innermost self.

Join us for a 10-day immersion retreat to cleanse your body and increase vitality and energy. Leave feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and connected to your innermost self.

Clarissa Kussin is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, detoxification and cellular regeneration specialist, yoga teacher, holistic personal chef, and founder of Full Lotus Wellness in Durham, North Carolina. Known for her conscious cuisine, crafted with raw, vegan, plant-powered nutrients, Clarissa is passionate about the healing power of whole foods and is referred to by many as the “Juice Lady” for her healing and intuitively crafted tonics. She inspires her clients to restore and regenerate the tissues of their physical bodies so they can access their higher and authentic self to live fully.
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Margarita Carreras’ career spans 30 years of inquiry and integrative healing through yoga, dance, visual art, breath and nutrition. Today Margarita is a certified yoga instructor, holistic health coach and owner of GetJuiced, a whole food juice café where organic juices, soups and salads are prepared in the philosophy “food as medicine.” Margarita is dedicated to helping individuals intuitively access their own body’s wisdom to optimize health and align to their highest self. Margarita’s nutrition, cleanse and detox programs are custom designed to meet each individual’s health goals. Her program is known for supercharging immune systems, supporting energy, and transforming the body into a vibrant, energetic, and healthy balanced individual.