
Community Voices: Spiritual Names |  sivanandabahamas.org

Community Voices: Spiritual Names

If you have received a spiritual name, what has been the effect for you? How do you feel about your name? Do you use it in daily life


I was given a spiritual name after completing the TTC in 2008. I feel a bit shy about using it. I have been teaching yoga classes in my small, rather conservative community and do not use my spiritual name, although I am beginning to also sign my name using it in communications/reminders of classes with my students.
—Vani Devi


There have been many instances when using my spiritual name outside of the ashram, where the faces looked at me questioningly upon hearing it. However, there have been just as many instances where it was received without any puzzling look whatsoever. It's really 50-50 between the two reactions to my spiritual name. Some are confused because they've never heard a name like that before and others know instinctively that it is a name of a spiritual nature. Those are the ones who usually smile, knowingly, about its origin.


When I received my spiritual name, I was a bit overwhelmed. It felt like a big responsibility. Since then, I have realized that for me it is an invitation to honor the deity whose name I now share. I like that. I like my spiritual name and I like using it at the ashram as it makes me feel part of the community and something larger than myself.


While I was not interested in receiving a spiritual name at first, when I heard my name for the first time, I fell in love with it. My name means "mother," which for me was the perfect name. I have worked with children for more than a decade, and I am always my highest and best self when I am with them. The name really does something to the subconscious upon hearing it. Sanskrit is a vibrational language; even when you just hear the sounds without knowing what they mean, you are affected on some level. When I hear my spiritual name I am reminded of my essence, my purpose in the world, and when I am at my best. I become inspired to serve the world, even in just a small way, with devotion, grace, and joy.

One thought on “Community Voices: Spiritual Names

  1. Marion

    When I received my spiritual name, well, they actually forgot that I was part of the graduation ceremony because I had to Segway to another YTT class because of a personal conflict with the original graduation date. There was o certificate and no “name” for me. It took no more than 10 minutes, the time to upload and print a certificate, to give me both, the graduation certificate and a spiritual name. Thought it is a beautiful name “Mahadevi”, I feel they just used the first syllable of my birth name. For this reason, it feels sort of “made up”. The person that are up the name for me never even engaged with me

  2. Sarah walker

    I would like to know how the spiritual name is chosen ?

  3. Mahalakshmi

    I love my spiritual name because it’s a reminder of the values and qualities I strive for. I wanna do my name and my teachers proud.

  4. Tara Leela Prashad

    I love my sivananda spiritual name. I only use it withing the sivananda community. I find some confusion within myself regarding the name. I have already a name given via the astrological process..it is leela..the vibration had to be leeee. So then I wonder how the sivananda name came to be chosen.
    🙂 Tara Leela.xx

  5. Vishnu

    I love my spiritual name and always use it in ashram not so much in every day life
    Although I have in in small letters on my bike number plate so no hiding it
    Om shanti

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