
The story begins in 1968 when a six-year-old boy from a family of industrialists in Kolkata, India, was initiated to Sitar under Guru Pandit Monoj Shankar of Maihar Gharana to pursue music as a hobby. Intensive training, rigorous practice & above all,
destiny chalked out his career as a professional musician, who entered the sixth decade in Life’s Journey in January 2022 and enjoys world-wide acclaim. Music-lovers rejoice as they find the ‘Maihar Magic’ lives on – beyond Ravi Shankar & Nikhil
Banerjee – promising more heart-touching melodies in the years to come.

Performances at major music festivals in all five continents, lecdems & workshops at reputed universities, with students across geographical borders, leave Partha a well-travelled man, rich in experience and a realization – that there is always a lesson to be learnt every day. Appreciation of discerning listeners, eminent musicians, the Nikhil Banerjee, Memorial Award, SAngeet Ratna & Vadya Shiromani titles have come his
way – which, he believes, are “constant reminders to strive harder in search of excellence.” Partha Bose looks at Music as a “language of the soul, that reminds us of our shared humanity.”


Upcoming Programs

Yoga Vacation Program
May 21 — 23, 2025
Indranil Mallick, Partha Bose, and Oindrila Roy Mallick

Experience unique instrumental and dance performances and workshops featuring the ancient melody of sitar accompanied by tabla and bharatnaryam classical south Indian Dance.


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