
Cathy Coleman holds a doctorate in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). She has worked for the past six years with the CIIS Center for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Research, and earlier was a senior administrator at CIIS for 20 years in several key administrative roles. She was President Kepler College, a state-approved college of astrological studies in Washington state. She is the author/editor of Intrepid Explorer: Reflections of the Life and Legacy of Ralph Metzner (to be published by Inner Traditions in Fall 2024). In private practice as an astrologer and coach, she has lectured nationally and internationally on Western and Eastern (Jyotish) astrology. She is the National Education and Certification Director for the Professional Astrologer’s Alliance (PAA). With her late husband, Ralph Metzner, they co-founded the Green Earth Foundation
(www.greenearthfound.org). She was married to Ralph for 31 years, and is a mother and grandmother.

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