Bhargavi Chaitanya is an experienced yoga teacher and has been a staff member in the Sivananda organization since 2006. Bhargavi Chaitanya teaches courses on yoga, meditation, positive thinking, the power of thought, cooking workshops, advanced yoga courses, yoga for adolescents, and more. She is known for her gentle teaching style and for the inner peace and love her students are experiencing while taking her classes.
In this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
In this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
In this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
Relax, take a break from your life and discover how to find inner peace, contentment and happiness from within.
Discover simple, practical tools for entertaining positive and creative thoughts.
Ahimsa traditionally refers to the non-killing or harming of others, but ahimsa also extends itself to mean non-injury in thought, word, or deed to any living being. Come discover how we can all cultivate more kindness and compassion toward others.
Discover simple, practical tools for entertaining positive and creative thoughts.
Practice the art of deep relaxation and live everyday with ease and calm
In this program, teens 13 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
In this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
In this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
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