
Amoda Maa offers a profound invitation to all those who wish to embody the truth of awakened consciousness in the midst of everyday life. Her teachings are free of any ideology and are not affiliated with any lineage or tradition, and yet the luminous truth expressed through these teachings is the same nondual understanding at the core of many spiritual traditions. Arising from her own direct experience and expressed in a contemporary language, these teachings are relevant and accessible to all people from all backgrounds and cultures.

She has been a speaker and guest teacher at a variety of conferences, featured in several magazines, interviewed for numerous broadcasts and podcasts, and is the author of several books including Embodied Enlightenment and Falling Open in a World Falling Apart. Her life and work are dedicated to supporting an “inner transformation of consciousness” and envisioning a new world of peace and enlightened living. She offers online and in person meetings and retreats to a growing global community, and is the Founder and Spiritual Director of the Amoda Maa Foundation, dedicated to supporting spiritual self-realization in those who seek peace and freedom amidst an ever-changing and turbulent world.



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