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Finding Peace: Q&A with Julie Lusk
Please share what you do in 10-15 words:
I provide retreats, trainings, and resource materials to help people unify and balance their mind, body, and spiritual connection with yoga, meditation, guided imagery, real relaxation, and humor.
Why do you do what you do?
It’s so satisfying to see people learn practical and positive ways to feel both peaceful and energized and discover ways to put it into heartfelt action for living a more meaningful and satisfying life.
What are you currently fascinated by in your work?
Yoga Nidra! It’s such a wonderful, deeply relaxing, and meditative way to easily tap into one’s inner source of deep peace, inspiration, unconditional joy, and self-discovery for renewal.
My yoga nidra book and recordings are being used by folks, young and old, to help them handle stress, improve their health, and make enduring and significant life changes. My latest recording is even being used in the United States Army.
How did you come to your path? Any aha moments or key teachers?
My yoga path started many years ago as a thread and now it has become my lifeline. Yoga and meditation have been very good to me both personally and professionally and I like sharing these gifts with others.
What book(s) are you currently reading?
The Invention of Wings – Sue Monk Kidd
Peace is Every Step (again) – Thich Nhat Hanh
Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption – Bryan Stevenson
Dog Songs – Mary Oliver
Awakening: Aspiration to Realization Through Integral Yoga – Swami Karunanda
To Bless the Space Between Us – John O’Donohue
And … what is one surprising thing about the experience for you?
Magical and mystical things always happen when I’m at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat. The people who come are friendly and sincere. The surroundings are beautiful and filled with grace. It’s a very special place!

Julie Lusk, MEd, E-RYT 500, brings more than 40 years of expertise in yoga, relaxation training, guided imagery, and meditation to her work. A writer, recording artist, and workshop leader, Julie is known for bringing out the light in others. Julie has authored six books including Yoga Nidra Meditations: 24 Scripts for Total Relaxation, Yoga Nidra for Complete Relaxation & Stress Relief, Yoga Meditations and two volumes of 30 Scripts for Relaxation, Imagery and Inner Healing. She is the creator of numerous CDs.