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Exploring the Sounds of Life with John Beaulieu
Please share what you do in 10-15 words: I teach integrative medicine with an emphasis in sound healing.
Why do you do what you do? I have worked in the healing arts and musical arts for 46 years. I do it because this is my calling in life. It is what I was born to do.
What are you currently fascinated by in your work? I am interested in the neuroscience of sound and how different sounds affect our neural network and enhance neuroplasticity.
How did you come to your path? Any aha moments or key teachers? I began playing the piano at 3 years old. When I was 20, I visited a psychiatric hospital as part of a college psychology class. I just knew I wanted to learn more and work with this type of patient. It did not take me long to integrate music with psychology.
What book(s) are you currently reading? I am always reading the Bhagavad Gita. I have four different translations on my Kindle. I have been reading it for many years and always discover something new. I am always reading research papers. For fun I read James Rollin's novels.
Have you been to the Yoga Retreat before? I have taught at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat for more than 10 years. I come back to teach because of the open diversity environment in which all spiritual paths are honored.

John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, is a naturopathic doctor, counseling psychologist, board-certified polarity therapist, composer, pianist, and sound therapist. His career spans over 40 years of creative arts, healing arts, and martial arts. A world leader in the use of integrative energy medicine for healing, Dr. Beaulieu is the author of four books including Human Tuning, and Music and Sound in the Healing Arts. He is an instructor of sound science and sound therapy at the California Institute of Integral Studies.