Online Program

New Year's Sadhana Challenge

6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Saturdays, 8:00-10:00am EST

Swami Paramananda
Tuition: $129

Program Type: Online Course

Date & Time: Offered as 6 weekly sessions on Saturdays, Dec 26, Jan 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30, 8:00-10:00am EST

Hours: 12 hours

Spiritual practice assists the individual on their path towards ultimate freedom.

This New Year’s Sadhana challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.

The classes will be half theory and half practice (Pranayama and Asanas). Students will receive recordings to use for their own practice. The participants will be guided in the use of an online spiritual diary that supports and guides them personally throughout the challenge.

We will review how make resolves and how to succeed in them. This challenge begins just before the new year so we could take advantage of this special opportunity to make resolutions for our Spiritual practices.

Course Schedule

Lesson 1: New Year’s Resolutions

Learn the importance of New Year’s resolutions, the value of resolutions and how to succeed in them. Learn how to maintain a Spiritual diary and practice Self-analysis.

Lesson 2: The Art of Positive Thinking

Discuss the nature of thoughts – Samskaras and Vasanas (mental impressions and tendencies). You are the Master of your destiny. The mind is like a radio – discover the connection between thoughts and vibration

Lesson 3: How to Cultivate Healthy Habits and to Overcome Negative Tendencies

Learn the importance of virtues. Positive overcomes the Negative. Reeducating the Subconscious Mind. The power of affirmations.

Lesson 4: Wisdom in Gratitude

Recognizing the power in gratitude. Seeing Grace is all things. Learn ways to cultivate gratitude in daily life and the practice of a gratitude diary.

Lesson 5: Love in Action Kindness as the Means for Happiness

Acts of Kindness are priceless in their value. Learn how to practice kindness in all situations.

Lesson 6: Finding Joy in Adversity Joy is thy Essential Nature

The value of difficulties and adverse circumstances. Cultivation of courage and the conquest of fear. The great benefits of Swadhyaya (study of scriptures)

Additional Information:

This program is offered live through Zoom. In many of the sessions there will be an opportunity for students to interact through Q&A with the presenter.

For enrolled students, a video recording will be available after each class in the event you miss a class or would like to review the content.

Requirements & Recommendations: 

  • Viewing Device: Desktop or laptop computer will provide the best experience, although you can also connect via a tablet or smartphone.
  • Internet connection: High-speed broadband wired or wireless is best.
  • Video: Download Zoom to your computer, or install the Zoom app to your device.  For interactive group sessions, a webcam or integrated camera will allow others to feel more connected with you.
  • Audio: Headphone speakers are recommended. If you wish to participate vocally, a headset with a microphone will be ideal.

Swami Paramananda is the manager of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch and longtime teacher of Sivananda Yoga Teacher Trainings in the Bahamas, New York, and India. A much-loved teacher admired for his humor, warmth, and devotion to the practice, he seamlessly weaves classical yoga teachings into modern daily life.

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