Yoga Vacation Program
November 13 — 16, 2025

Embody the Goddess

Transformation Through Movement, Sound, and Breath

Shamini Jain, PhD and Kirti Srivastava

Are you ready to become your most inspirational and co-creative self, and bring forth the Divine Feminine in your fullest expression?

Through guided exercises in vocal expression, movement, and breathwork, combined with Eastern spiritual practices of mudra, mantra meditation, and devotional dance, you will learn how to:

  • Connect with the goddess and her many qualities to empower your spiritual development and unleash your soul’s vibratory purpose
  • Improvise more easily with words, sound, and movement
  • Explore elemental energies through the chakras, to integrate and transform places of disconnect into a sense of union
  • Invoke various forms of the tantric goddess through mantra, mudra, meditation, and other simple exercises to empower your healing and the healing of others

This workshop is open and applicable to all ages, abilities and gender! Come liberate yourself in community.

Offered as 4 satsangs and 3 workshops (subject to change).

The presentations associated with this Yoga Vacation Program begin with an 8pm satsang on the first day of the program and conclude with an 8pm satsang on the last day of the program.  Click here to read more about the Yoga Vacation Program details and view the ashram schedule for yoga classes and meals during your stay. We suggest you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your program for the optimal experience.

Dr. Shamini Jain is Founder and President of the 501c3 social-profit, Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), an international collaborative of scientists, healing practitioners, educators and artists who lead humanity to heal ourselves. She also serves as an adjunct professor at UC San Diego’s Department of Family Medicine, where she supports whole health education within UCSD’s Centers for Integrative Health. Dr. Jain is a clinical psychologist, and an award-winning researcher and author in psychoneuroimmunology, integrative health and biofield science. Dr. Jain is a sought-after speaker and teacher with ample media experience related to biofield healing research and education, including national television placements, two TEDx talks, and regular talks at universities as well as leading health conferences and retreat centers. Her two-time award winning book, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health is available from booksellers world-wide. Shamini is also a singer with a background in bel canto and musical theater, rock, metal and mantra. Her breakthrough debut album, “Kaliyuga Blues”, can be found on your favorite music streaming platform.


Kirti Srivastava uses creativity and spirituality to ignite access to source divine. A dancer, yogi and an educator for over 20 years— she looks to connect our human existence to our spiritual calling. As a first generation American, Kirti has weaved constructs around race and identity with her spiritual work as well resulting in deep conversations around cultural appropriation, the role of patriarchy and the responsibility of human beings on this planet.

She currently works to promote peace through self love as a personal trainer integrating mindful fitness, a yoga philosophy teacher, an educational consultant bringing arts and spirit in to school culture, and as a movement medicine practitioner who facilitates individual and group energy healing practices through breath, sound and movement.

Kirti Srivastava speaks her ancestral lineage, dances her being through this existence and loves others through her personal growth and healing.


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