
Kirti Srivastava uses creativity and spirituality to ignite access to source divine. A dancer, yogi and an educator for over 20 years— she looks to connect our human existence to our spiritual calling. As a first generation American, Kirti has weaved constructs around race and identity with her spiritual work as well resulting in deep conversations around cultural appropriation, the role of patriarchy and the responsibility of human beings on this planet.

She currently works to promote peace through self love as a personal trainer integrating mindful fitness, a yoga philosophy teacher, an educational consultant bringing arts and spirit in to school culture, and as a movement medicine practitioner who facilitates individual and group energy healing practices through breath, sound and movement.

Kirti Srivastava speaks her ancestral lineage, dances her being through this existence and loves others through her personal growth and healing.


Upcoming Programs

Yoga Vacation Program
November 13 — 16, 2025
Shamini Jain and Kirti Srivastava

Become your most inspirational and co-creative self, and bring forth the Divine Feminine in your fullest expression!


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