Online Program

Chair Yoga Course


Krishna Chaitanya
Tuition: $275

Program Type: Online Program

Total Hours: 22 hours


Yoga is a path for healing, optimal wellness, mental peace, transformation, and spiritual growth that can benefit everyone, regardless of physical abilities. Chair Yoga is a useful way to adapt yoga so that everyone can benefit.

In this course, you will learn how to make yoga accessible to seniors, persons with disabilities or limited mobility, the chronically ill, and those recovering from injuries.

You will learn to teach and offer:

  • Modified yoga postures in chairs
  • Chair modifications in mixed level classes (standing and sitting)
  • Private chair yoga sessions
  • Breathing, chanting, and meditation in chairs.

You will also learn about the business and marketing of Chair Yoga.

This is not a certification course

Who should take the course: This course is for yoga teachers, nurses, PT’s, MD’s, OT’s, caregivers, and for those practitioners with experience who would like to learn Chair Yoga to have a more in-depth understanding of the practice.

Module 1

How to teach Chair Yoga Level 1 class.

At the end of the module, the students should reach the point that they can teach ⅓ of Level 1 class. Students will learn the sequence and the difference between Level 2 and Level 1.

Module 2

You’ll have the tools to teach a full Level 1 class and begin to focus on teaching a Level 2 class. The second module will be dedicated to teaching an abbreviated Level 2 class (30 min) and teaching a full (45 min) Level 1 class.

Class Format

  • Each class will have 2 sessions of 1.5 h each, divided into 40 min theory and 50 min practice with a break of 15 min between the sessions and 15 min of introduction of the project, or Q&A, or feedback at the end of the second session.
  • There are a total of 10 theoretical and 10 practical sessions
  • During the 50 min practice sessions, the students will:
    • Experience Chair Yoga as students of a particular level of practice (3 levels of practice will be introduced)
    • Practice “How to Teach” techniques

Module 1 – 12.5 hours

Learning Objectives:

The following general topics will be covered in this module:

  • Yoga as a therapy, Biomechanics 101, and how to each online
  • 3 Levels of students and 3 levels of practice
  • Uniqueness of Chair Yoga and the healing properties of it

The students will be introduced to, experience (as a student), and then practice teaching class Level 1. The students will be introduced to and experience (as a student) class Level 2.

Detailed Objectives:

Day 1 

The students will learn:

  • Intro: Yoga as a natural, holistic therapy & Basics of Biomechanics
  • How to teach online. Who are the 3 levels of students? What are the 3 levels of practice we will offer?
    • Level 1 – Whole class on the chair
    • Level 2 – Combined chair-yoga mat class
    • Level 3 – Workbreak Yoga with a chair

The students will practice:

  • Present and experience (as student) Level 1 class

Day 2 

The students will learn:

  • Why Chair Yoga? Why is it called Yoga? What makes it a Yoga practice?
  • Discuss main asana vs. adaptations vs. variations.

The students will practice:

  • Experience Level 1 class in detail, with guidance to feel the adaptations and modeling teacher’s posture, presence, and wording to use for teaching

Day 3 

The students will learn:

  • Yoga for healing: How does Yoga heal? Presentation of Healing in relation to the 5 Koshas and Body-Breath awareness
  • The 3 stages of healing on the physical level (informed by mental)

Module 2 – 9.5 hours

Learning Objectives:

  • Comparison of Level 1 & Level 2 classes
  • Introduction of Level 3 class
  • The Business and Marketing side of Chair Yoga
  • Review of, Q&A on, and feedback about any material of the course

Detailed Objectives:

Day 4 

The students will learn:

  • Discussion of the differences between Level 1 & Level 2 classes
  • Q&A on Level 2 class

The students will practice:

  • Review of techniques of Level 2 class

Day 5

The students will learn:

  • Introduction of Level 3 class with different options and variations

The students will practice:

  • Q&A on Level 1 class

Day 6 

The students will learn:

  • The business of Chair Yoga and Marketing strategy

Individual Work and Project

  • To enhance assimilation a short (20-30 minutes) individual work will be given after each day’s class
  • It is advisable to take time between the modules (1.5-2.5 hours) to enhance the practical experience of teaching online.

Requirements & Recommendations: 

  • Viewing Device: Desktop or laptop computer will provide the best experience, although you can also connect via a tablet or smartphone.
  • Internet connection: High-speed broadband wired or wireless is best.

Krishna Chaitanya is a physical therapist, senior staff member of the Yoga Retreat, and senior instructor of Hatha Yoga in the Teacher Training Course and other courses. He has taught for more than 20 years and specializes in working with the elderly population. He teaches Adaptive Yoga, Chair Yoga, and has many years experience helping individuals with all kinds of physical limitations.

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