Yoga Vacation Program
December 15 — 17, 2024

The Courage of Wakeful Compassion

Lama Karma Chötso

True spiritual warriors assume the responsibility of mastering their own minds. By engaging diligently in watchful introspection and awareness practices, compassion begins to awaken within the practitioner … and eventually expands to include all sentient beings. This program has been created to help you touch the innermost vaults of compassion within your own self so that you can have peace of mind and a sense of security in daily matters, interactions with others, and on a grander scale, in the actions of your career, family life, and more.

Study with Lama Karma Chötso and learn simple trainings to engender compassion in order to progress more swiftly on your spiritual path. Learn why in Buddhism, having compassion for oneself and all sentient beings is the cornerstone of what makes an awakened warrior.

Offered as 2 satsangs and 2 workshops (subject to change)

The presentations associated with this Yoga Vacation Program begin with an 8pm satsang on the first day of the program and conclude with a 90-minute noon workshop on the last day of the program.  Click here to read more about the Yoga Vacation Program details and view the ashram schedule for yoga classes and meals during your stay. We suggest you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your program for the optimal experience.


What is Bodhichitta? What is the path of the Bodhisattva and why should you pursue it?

Bodhichitta means “awakening mind,” and the path of the Bodhisattva is that of the awakening warrior. Buddhism, like many great spiritual paths, teaches that the development of compassion is paramount for spiritual progression. Developing compassion helps us…

  • Connect with others
  • Mend relationships
  • Move forward in life while fostering emotional intelligence and well-being
  • Discover true, lasting fulfillment in our careers and home lives
  • Be present to fleeting moments of life and more fully enjoy the here and now
  • Have appreciation for that which is passing and temporary
  • Find joy in the smallest experiences
  • Gain clarity on next actions, goal pursuits, and hard decisions

Compassion takes empathy one step further because it harbors a desire for all people to be free from suffering – leaving no one out. It is imbued with the desire to benefit all.

What is the practice of watchful introspection and why should you develop it?

Watchful introspection is a practice that works best when pursued with regularity, either on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. In these modern times of chaos, loud chatter in the mind, and endless decision-making (with far too many choices!), practicing watchful introspection affords you the silence and quietude your mind desperately craves. When we give our minds and bodies time to sit in silence, we allow ourselves the space required to process our life experiences. Then we can turn everyday experience into forward motion – the acceptance of lessons for the future and opportunities for closure on the past. Without giving the body and mind this space to process, digest, and learn, it can easily start to feel that our life is going
in circles that feel purposeless and devoid of progress.

Buddhism champions practices that offer the practitioner the opportunity to develop a deep well of compassion. The need for compassion is the key for solving today’s conflicts, whether those conflicts are on the outside in war-torn lands or inside in the emotions and thoughts that flicker unbidden through your heart-mind. By becoming the change you wish the world to manifest, you set the example for others to follow suit. While it may be that we can have little control in today’s massive world, we can have control of ourselves. Making headway in developing a practice of compassionate awareness can give you control of your life experiences
so that a positive impact can ripple outwards into the lives of others.

Lama Karma Chötso is a Buddhist nun of the Tibetan tradition and has been practicing in the Kagyu lineage for more than 40 years. She was the resident teacher of Open Awareness Buddhist Center in Miami for 25 years before retiring from teaching in the States. While living and teaching in Miami, she and the sangha built four Tibetan stupas at the Lama Residence there. She practices as a meditator, part-time teacher, writer, singer, and visual artist. Lama Karma Chötso continues to lead the sangha in Peru where they have built a large stupa, called the Stupa of Reconciliation, in the Amazon basin.

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