Yoga Vacation Program
February 6 — 8, 2022

The Healing Keys

Shamini Jain, PhD

Are you ready to experience the flow of well-being throughout your life? Would you like to learn practices that foster your vitality, awaken your creativity, and deepen your connection with spiritual guidance?

Join Dr. Shamini Jain and learn to unlock your healing capacity with the Healing Keys. Explore what mind-body, placebo, and biofield science can teach us about the power to heal ourselves and others. Learn how to integrate these keys into your life to move through your days with more energy, joy and ease.

Offered as 3 satsangs and 2 workshops (subject to change)

Unable to join us in The Bahamas? Take this course online


Dr. Shamini Jain is Founder and President of the 501c3 social-profit, Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), an international collaborative of scientists, healing practitioners, educators and artists who lead humanity to heal ourselves. She also serves as an adjunct professor at UC San Diego’s Department of Family Medicine, where she supports whole health education within UCSD’s Centers for Integrative Health. Dr. Jain is a clinical psychologist, and an award-winning researcher and author in psychoneuroimmunology, integrative health and biofield science. Dr. Jain is a sought-after speaker and teacher with ample media experience related to biofield healing research and education, including national television placements, two TEDx talks, and regular talks at universities as well as leading health conferences and retreat centers. Her two-time award winning book, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health is available from booksellers world-wide. Shamini is also a singer with a background in bel canto and musical theater, rock, metal and mantra. Her breakthrough debut album, “Kaliyuga Blues”, can be found on your favorite music streaming platform.


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