Yoga Vacation Program
July 14, 2025

Swami Sivananda Mahasamadhi

Join us for a special celebratory puja (prayer ceremony) to commemorate the Mahasamadhi of Swami Sivananda.

Swami Sivananda is considered one of the great saints of modern times. This renowned sage and humanitarian is the inspiration behind the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers. Born in South India. He served many years as a medical doctor before renouncing worldly life and establishing the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, North India. Founder of the Divine Life Society, this Self-realized master was an embodiment of love, humility and compassion. Swami Sivananda’s teachings continue to enrich the lives of millions worldwide through his more than 300 books.

In India, “Mahasamadhi” is the state of consciously leaving one’s body. This is not the same as the death of an unenlightened human being or animal. When an enlightened one comes to the day when it is time to leave this earth, he/she will consciously exit from the body. Mahasamadhi can happen only to those who have lived their karma on this earth and reached an advanced state of Samadhi called “Nirvikalpa Samadhi”, union with the Divine consciousness, (residing in a state of consciousness where subject and object are known to be one). Therefore, the day any great saint or sage reaches “mahasamadhi” is a time for celebration and thanksgiving. During this puja (prayer ceremony), we will celebrate and give thanks for the life of Swami Sivananda.

Learn more about Swami Sivananda.

Offered as 1 satsang.

The presentation associated with this Yoga Vacation Program is an 8pm satsang.  Click here to read more about the Yoga Vacation Program details and view the ashram schedule for yoga classes and meals during your stay. We suggest you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your program for the optimal experience.


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