Online Program

Spiritual Practice Without Judgment Or Guilt


Rick Hoffman

Tuition: Sliding scale donation

Program Type: Live online satsang

Date & Time:  Wednesday, Nov 18, 8pm ET


Until Knowledge blooms, we all have a diminished sense of Self also known as self-judgment. Even as spiritual seekers, we are prone to measuring and judging ourselves by our thoughts, words, and deeds. But can the limited confines of our minds, define or diminish the Limitless? Being Limitless Awareness attempting to view through the lens of our limitations, is as if we are standing on our heads trying to see right side up. Do you see a contradiction here? Let’s find a better way to embrace who we are by removing self-judgment and guilt in order to progress more joyously.

Living is its own reward, but discovering who is living this life is the blessing of human birth. Rick’s sadguru was Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati, with whom Rick had 30 years of guidance and association. Other teachers of importance were Master Nome and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Demystifying Enlightenment and Nirvana, Vedanta, Chan, and Zen Buddhism in a direct and inviting manner is the essence of Rick’s approach.

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