Yoga Vacation Program
March 10 — 15, 2026

Near Death Experience (NDE) Symposium

Anita Moorjani, Raymond Moody, Eben Alexander, Karen Newell, William Peters, and Monica Willliams

Join us for an unforgettable journey with the most well-known presenters in the NDE community — one that may forever change the way you understand life, death, and what lies beyond.

Step into a profound exploration of consciousness, the afterlife, and the mysteries that unfold beyond physical existence. This groundbreaking symposium brings together leading experts, researchers, and experiencers to share extraordinary insights from Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), Shared Death Experiences (SDEs), and the science of consciousness beyond death.

Through firsthand accounts, cutting-edge research, and spiritual perspectives, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of what happens at the threshold between life and the beyond—and how these revelations can transform the way we live today.

Throughout this immersive experience, we will explore key themes that offer both scientific and spiritual perspectives on the nature of consciousness, the journey beyond physical life, and the profound wisdom gained from those who have glimpsed the other side:

Near-Death Experiences (NDEs): Explore powerful firsthand journeys beyond the physical body, where individuals encounter realms of unconditional love, profound healing, and expanded consciousness. These experiences challenge conventional views of life, death, and our true nature.

Shared Death Experiences (SDEs): Discover the remarkable phenomenon where caregivers and loved ones report witnessing or even accompanying the dying into realms beyond this world. Learn how SDEs offer deep spiritual and psychological benefits, transforming our approach to end-of-life care.

The Science of Consciousness Beyond Death: Insights from research and personal experiences reveal how neuroscience, spirituality, and quantum physics intersect, challenging traditional perspectives on consciousness and survival beyond death.

Accessing the Spiritual Realm: After-death communications and other profound spiritual encounters are far more common than often believed. Learn how to cultivate a connection to higher realms and trust your own transformative spiritual experiences.

The Life Review & Personal Growth: Many NDErs describe a life review where past actions are experienced from the perspective of others, revealing the golden rule as an intrinsic part of the universe. Gain tools to integrate this wisdom into your life with greater compassion, purpose, and understanding.

Offered as 6 satsangs and 9 workshops (subject to change).

March 10: Anita Moorjani – Evening Satsang

March 11: Anita Moorjani – Noon workshop; Raymond Moody – 2pm Workshop and Evening Satsang

March 12: Raymond Moody – Noon Workshop; Anita Moorjani – 2pm Workshop; William Peters and Monica Williams – Evening Satsang

March 13: William Peters and Monica Williams – Noon workshop; Raymond Moody – 2pm workshop; Eben Alexander and Karen Newell – Evening Satsang

March 14: Eben Alexander and Karen Newell – Noon Workshop; William Peters and Monica Williams – 2pm Workshop; Eben Alexander and Karen Newell – Evening Satsang

March 15: Eben Alexander and Karen Newell – Noon Workshop; All presenter closing panel and Q&A – Evening Satsang

Extend your stay! Join William Peters and Monica Williams for their life-altering course: The Shared Crossing Pathway Program, March 16-19, 2025.

The presentations associated with this Yoga Vacation Program begin with an 8pm satsang on the first day of the program and conclude with an 8pm satsang on the last day of the program.  Click here to read more about the Yoga Vacation Program details and view the ashram schedule for yoga classes and meals during your stay. We suggest you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your program for the optimal experience.

Anita Moorjani is a best-selling author, internationally acclaimed speaker, and one of the world’s leading voices on near-death experiences (NDEs) and spiritual transformation. While battling end-stage cancer in Hong Kong, she journeyed beyond this world in a profound NDE that completely rewrote her understanding of life, healing, and consciousness. Her miraculous return and full recovery defied medical explanation and became the foundation for her groundbreaking memoir, Dying to Be Me, which established her as a premier expert in the field.

A radiant force of inspiration, Anita travels the globe sharing her wisdom on self-love, fearless living, and the deep interconnectedness of all things. Her teachings invite others to step into their highest potential, embrace their true essence, and live with purpose, joy, and authenticity.

Discover more about Anita’s transformational work at

Raymond Moody, MD, PhD, has studied near-death experiences for almost 50 years and is the best-selling author of 12 books. His groundbreaking book Life After Life has sold over 13 million copies worldwide and inspired a surge of scientific interest in life after death. Dr. Moody trains hospice workers, clergy, psychologists, nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals on matters of grief recovery and dying.

Dr. Eben Alexander III, was an academic neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He was once staunchly committed to the materialist world view — the belief that the physical world is all that exists. His scientific belief system was altered by his 2008 transcendental near-death experience (NDE), an odyssey into another realm during a week-long coma. Despite a bleak medical prognosis, Dr. Alexander awoke to make an inexplicable return to full health. His medical case and recovery were validated in the peer-reviewed Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Since his NDE, Dr. Alexander has been reconciling his rich spiritual experience with quantum physics, cosmology and the philosophy of mind. Dr. Alexander speaks around the world to educate about the role that consciousness plays in wellness, healing and recovery.

A pioneering scientist and modern thought leader, Dr. Alexander has been featured in more than 400 media interviews including for ABC-TV’s Good Morning America and 20/20, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, Larry King Now, Fox and Friends, Discovery Channel, Biography Channel and numerous international radio, digital and podcasts. His books are available in more than 40 countries: Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife, and Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, co-authored with Sacred Acoustics co-founder Karen Newell.

Karen Newell is an author and specialist in personal development with a diverse body of work that rests upon the foundation of heart-centered consciousness and spiritually transformative experiences. Her personal growth programs, workshops, guided meditations and teachings enable individuals to achieve life transformations towards greater self-fulfillment and contentment, quality relationships and choices aligned with one’s soul calling from a heart-centered consciousness.

As an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation, Karen empowers others in their journeys of self-discovery. Using Sacred Acoustics recordings and other techniques, she teaches how to enter and engage with your inner world to connect to guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition.

Karen is co-author with Eben Alexander III, M.D. of Living in a Mindful Universe (2017). At international workshops presented with Dr. Alexander, Karen demonstrates key practices of consciousness exploration: heart awareness, intention, maintaining neutrality, emotional management and cultivating internal knowing.

William Peters is a trailblazing psychotherapist, author, and global authority on shared death experiences (SDEs) and end-of-life phenomena. As the founder of the Shared Crossing Project, he is dedicated to reshaping our relationship with death and dying through education, research, and awareness of extraordinary end-of-life experiences.

Having had two near-death experiences and numerous shared crossings himself, William brings a deeply personal understanding to his work. He teaches proven methods for facilitating and integrating SDEs, offering profound insight into the connections between the living and the dying. His groundbreaking research has been featured in the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Omega – Journal of Death and Dying, CNN, and other major media outlets.

His bestselling book, At Heaven’s Door: What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach, published by Simon & Schuster, offers a compelling look at how these experiences provide comfort, healing, and a deeper understanding of what lies beyond. William and Shared Crossing Media are currently collaborating with CounterPoint Films (an Oscar- and Emmy-nominated production company) to create the first feature-length documentary on shared death experiences.

Dr. Monica Williams is a renowned emergency physician, award-winning writer, and international speaker dedicated to transforming how we approach death and dying. As a leading expert in end-of-life medical decision-making, she has been featured on The Doctors (Emmy Award-winning TV show), The Washington Post, and other major media platforms.
Her book, It’s OK to Die, provides a revolutionary framework for navigating end-of-life care with clarity, compassion, and acceptance. Her pioneering checklists for end-of-life preparation have been adopted by UCLA Health System and the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), helping countless individuals and families make informed, empowered choices.

Dr. Williams also explores exceptional states of consciousness that can arise for the dying, their loved ones, and healthcare providers. She advocates for the integration of these profound experiences into medical and institutional settings, believing they can inspire deep healing, personal transformation, and more holistic end-of-life care.

Through her work, Dr. Williams invites us to rethink how we honor the dying process—one that embraces spiritual, emotional, and practical preparation with grace and wisdom.

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