Yoga Vacation Program
March 11 — 14, 2024

Karma, Destiny and The Path of Karma Yoga

A Deep Dive into the Greatest Mysteries of Life, Death & Path Of Consciousness Evolution

Acharya Shunya

In this illuminating series of teachings by Vedic master teacher, lineage holder and bestselling author Acharya Shunya, you will gain a clear understanding of the spiritual Laws of Karma that govern how and why your soul transmigrates from one body to another. And most importantly you will learn the path of spiritual progress – the ancient science of karma yoga, by which your soul can become free from suffering and bondage engendering karma, and be resituated in your naturally free and expansive joyful spiritual condition, which is eternal, full of knowledge and blissful.

The ancient science of Karma Yoga, first taught in the Bhagavad Gita, compliments the Yoga practice of asanas, breathwork and meditation because it works on purifying our hearts and minds, especially when we engage in the world and create unconscious karma baggage via our relationships. Once you begin to lead your life informed by the wisdom of Karma Yoga, you will begin to enjoy the magic of intentionally activated karma along with inner-peace, joy and contentment that unfolds on a day-by-day basis.

Don’t miss this unique teachings with a true master of the tradition gently leading the way.

Offered as 3 satsangs and 4 workshops (subject to change).

The presentations associated with this Yoga Vacation Program begin with a 90-minute noon workshop 8pm on the first day of the program and conclude with a 90-minute noon workshop on the last day of the program.  Click here to read more about the Yoga Vacation Program details and view the ashram schedule for yoga classes and meals during your stay. We suggest you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your program for the optimal experience.

Acharya Shunya is a Vedic lineage holder from the holy city of Ayodhya in India, scriptural scholar, teacher of Vedic, Yogic and Ayurvedic wisdom and author of three bestselling books: Sovereign Self: Claim Your Inner Joy and Freedom with the Empowering Wisdom of the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita , Roar Like A Goddess and Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom.

She teaches onsite and online through her wisdom campus, headquartered in Northern California, and offers Vedic spiritual study, Ayurveda and programs in divine feminine empowerment to a vast community of spirituality and wellness seekers, worldwide. Shunya makes ancient scriptural wisdom accessible and applicable to modern lives and western minds. She believes that the ideal of dharma is lodged within each human heart, but to discover it, cherish it, value it, and live by its supreme guidance is the divine task of each embodied soul to unearth.


March 11, 12, 13 and 14 noon workshops:

Offered as a 4-part immersion – Karma, Destiny and The Path of Karma Yoga:
A Deep Dive into the Greatest Mysteries of Life, Death & Path Of Consciousness Evolution


The three evening satsangs will be based on Acharya Shunya’s best-selling book: Roar Like A Goddess:

March 11: Explore the Durga Archetype
Acharya Shunya expounds in depth upon Durga’s archetype: this goddess teaches how to embody conscious rage in order to protect Dharma. In this session understand how to connect with your healthy emotion of anger (and let go of unhealthy anger), to release the previously locked-up personal courage.

March 12: Explore the Lakshmi Archetype
Acharya Shunya expounds in depth upon Lakshmi’s archetype, whose insistence on embodying the dharma of self-value ensures that freed-up personal power is utilized for connecting with abundance, or personal and universal good—and not lost in chasing ephemeral pleasures. This session shall help you reclaim your inner light along with an understanding of inner and outer wealth that is dharmically deserved and enjoyed.

March 13: Explore the Saraswati Archetype
Acharya Shunya expounds upon the Saraswati archetype in depth, who bestows the spiritual wisdom of who you are deep inside you, making you at last immensely peaceful in your own divine light. In this session understand the goddess path of discernment (Viveka) and detachment (Vairagyam), and how to emerge sovereign, despite trauma and adverse circumstances.

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