Yoga Vacation Program
November 27 — 28, 2017

Japa Yoga

The Power of the Divine Name

Swami Hridyananda

Swami Sivananda taught that repeating any mantra or name of the Lord is the easiest and surest way to reach God-realization. Japa Yoga can be practiced at any time, turning ordinary moments into opportunities to purify the mind. Through practice, it becomes an ongoing part of your life that results in health, wealth, and strength. Using teachings from Swami Sivananda, you will learn about mantra initiation, how to choose your own personal mantra, and how to use a japa mala.

Swami Hridyananda is a direct disciple of Swami Vishnudevananda and senior staff at the  Yoga Retreat. She has spent over 35 years teaching different aspects of yoga, as well as teaching in Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Courses. She also teaches meditation, thought power, chanting, and supports individuals on their inner transformative journey.

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