Yoga Vacation Program
May 4 — 5, 2024

Classical Indian Music

Pooja Goswami Pavan and A. Pavan

Music kindles love and infuses hope. It has countless voices and instruments. It elevates, inspires, strengthens, and invigorates… Music melts the hardest hearts… If at all there is anything in this world which can change the heart of a man in a very quick time, that is music and dance.
— Swami Sivananda, Bliss Divine

Join us for an uplifting and inspirational experience of classical Indian music, as renowned masters come together to share with us their musical gifts and messages. This is a rare opportunity to listen to masters of classical Indian music who have practiced all their life and obtained perfection, each on their own instrument.

Come be inspired by the unique sounds and rhythms of Indian music and experience music as a doorway to the harmony, love, and hope in our hearts.

Offered as 1 satsang and 2 workshops (subject to change).

The presentations associated with this Yoga Vacation Program begin with an 2pm workshop on the first day of the program and conclude with a 90-minute noon workshop on the last day of the program.  Click here to read more about the Yoga Vacation Program details and view the ashram schedule for yoga classes and meals during your stay. We suggest you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your program for the optimal experience.

Dr. Pooja Goswami Pavan is a Hindustani classical vocalist, composer, teacher and scholar. Growing up in an environment of music and theater, she developed a deep interest in composing music to verses in Hindi and Urdu. The versatility in Pooja’s repertoire is evident in her ability to sing Thumri, Dadra, Ghazal, Bhajan, Sufiana Kalam and folk genres such as the Hori, Chaiti & Kajri besides the Khayal. Pooja was trained in Hindustani music by Pandit Surendra Goswami, Professor Ajit Singh Paintal and continues her advanced training in Khayal with her brother Professor Shailendra Goswami. She has also been trained in semi-classical music by the eminent vocalist Vidushi Shanti Hiranand. Pooja received a Ph.D. in Indian Classical Music from the University of Delhi.

Dr. Pavan, Ph.D., based in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, is a Tabla player and teacher. He initially trained in Tabla under Sri G. Laxmiah and has studied with several masters over the years. He presently trains with Sri Rajendra Nakod and Ustad Shabbir Nisar, the illustrious son and disciple of the Tabla legend Ustad Shaik Dawood Khan. He has performed for Katha Dance Theater, Pangea World Theater, and Indian Music Society of Minnesota (IMSOM) in several productions and concerts. Pavan also appears on recordings of world/fusion music with many Minnesota based artists. Pavan co-composed and performed with Nirmala Rajasekar, Minnesota based Veena artist, the score for Pangea World Theater’s production “Partitions” in 2002, and the score for “5 Weeks” in 2017 with Dr. Pooja Goswami Pavan, his wife, who is a Hindustani vocalist, teacher and composer.

May 3:

Evening Satsang | Vocal Concert with Pooja Goswami Pavan and A. Pavan

May 4:

Afternoon Workshop | Classical Indian Music with Pooja Goswami Pavan and A. Pavan

May 5:

Afternoon Workshop | Classical Indian Music with Pooja Goswami Pavan and A. Pavan


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