Experiential Course
April 27 — May 1, 2025

5 Days to a New You

A Deep Detox with Ayurveda

Acharya Shunya and Chef Sanjai
Tuition: $695

Join us for a transformative 5-day detox program led by Ayurveda expert Acharya Shunya and renowned Ayurvedic chef Sanjai. This immersive experience has become so popular that it returns year after year, drawing participants who seek profound rejuvenation for both body and mind.

Why is this detox so effective?

This detox is not just about cleansing the surface; it’s about purifying rasa dhatu—the foundational tissue layer in Ayurveda responsible for nourishing all other tissues in the body. When rasa dhatu is cleansed, it sets off a ripple effect, rejuvenating every part of your body, from your blood to your muscles, bones, and even your reproductive tissues. This deep level of purification impacts all 30 trillion cells in your body, leading to a truly holistic transformation.

More Than Just A Monotonous Detox: Enjoy Thrilling Recipes that Detox!

Forget the usual (monotonous) detox meals! This program introduces you up to 20 new, specially curated recipes from Acharya Shunya’s 2,000-year-old lineage. These recipes have been tried and tested over centuries and are not available in any book or on the internet. Each ingredient is carefully selected to work in harmony, purifying your body with every bite. Chef Sanjai will guide you through this culinary journey, ensuring that your detox is both nourishing and delicious.

Expect A Total Transformation!

Expert Guidance: Acharya Shunya and Chef Sanjai will lead you through this unique Ayurvedic detox, making it accessible and effective for modern lifestyles.

Holistic Rejuvenation: Experience a complete reset of your body and mind in just 5 days, revitalizing your cells and awakening a new you.

Unparalleled Setting: The serene environment of Sivananda Bahamas provides the perfect backdrop for this deep cleanse, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the healing journey.

This program is more than just a detox—it’s a path to rediscovering your vitality and reconnecting with your true self.

Real Stories, Real Transformations

Curious about the impact of our 5-Day Ayurvedic Detox? Don’t just take our word for it—hear directly from those who have experienced this life-changing journey. Below are heartfelt testimonials from past participants who have embraced this detox and seen remarkable results in their lives. From renewed energy to clearer skin and enhanced well-being, their stories reflect the profound benefits of this program.

Watch their stories and get inspired to start your own journey towards a healthier, revitalized you.

Video 1: Testimonial from Satisfied Students

Video 2: Healing Testimonials


Is This Program for You?

Absolutely, if you’re ready to:

  • Supercharge Your Detox: Say goodbye to toxins with a time-tested, powerful cleanse that will leave you feeling lighter, brighter, and full of energy.
  • Breathe Easy, Live Free: Kick those annoying springtime allergies and colds to the curb once and for all.
  • Ignite Your Weight Loss: Jumpstart your journey towards a healthier, slimmer you—quickly and effectively.
  • Transform Your Digestion: Wave goodbye to bloating and discomfort and say hello to a happy, balanced gut.
  • Glow from the Inside Out: Achieve radiant, clear skin that reflects your newfound vitality.
  • Move with Ease: Alleviate those achy joints and experience the joy of free, easy movement.
  • Fortify Your Defenses: Boost your immunity and build a robust shield against future illnesses.
  • Preserve Your Well-being: Maintain your hard-earned health with a cleanse designed to support your long-term vitality.

No prior knowledge or experience with Ayurveda? No problem! All you need to bring is a willing heart and taste buds ready to savor an array of delightful, healing recipes.

Come experience:

Cooking with the Masters

Acharya Shunya and Chef Sanjai don’t just serve you recipes; they immerse you in the entire culinary experience. Every afternoon, between lunch and dinner, you’ll participate in a hands-on cooking session led by Chef Sanjai, who demonstrates the precise techniques and skills needed to master each dish. Meanwhile, Acharya Shunya enriches the experience by sharing the ancient traditions, stories, and wisdom behind the foods. Together, they ensure that you not only learn to cook these healing meals but also understand their deeper significance, enabling you to carry this knowledge and skill back home.

Evening Sharing Circles

After a nourishing dinner, we gather in an evening sharing circle—a heartwarming and soul-soothing experience. This circle offers a supportive space where you can let go of any lingering stress or emotional burdens, making way for deeper physical and spiritual rejuvenation. It’s a rare opportunity to connect on a personal level with Acharya Shunya, whose guidance helps you feel safe, understood, and ready to embrace the healing process. Many participants find this aspect of the program deeply transformative and empowering.

A Recipe Book Like No Other

As a special gift, each participant receives a beautifully crafted recipe book, lovingly put together by the teachers. This isn’t just any recipe book—it’s fine-tuned with care, featuring the very dishes you’ve learned to cook during the program. It’s a treasure trove of Ayurvedic wisdom that you’ll return to again and again, continuing your journey of health and healing long after the program ends.

A Transformative Setting

The 5-day detox takes place in the serene environment of the Sivananda Ashram, nestled on the beautiful beaches of the Bahamas. Surrounded by the calming sea, the ashram’s peaceful atmosphere enhances your detox experience. The daily meditations, purifying chants, and the overall spiritual vibe of the ashram create a supportive and rejuvenating environment that’s truly unmatched. The setting alone adds a layer of tranquility and inspiration to your journey, making this detox not just a cleanse but a deeply enriching retreat for the soul.

A Sacred Connection

One of the most beautiful aspects of this program is the cozy, family-like atmosphere that Acharya Shunya and Chef Sanjai create. Married in real life and having taught together for decades, they weave a warm, supportive environment where students feel embraced by universal love and guided by timeless Vedic wisdom. This sense of belonging turns participants into a detox family, where connections are made, and the journey of healing and rejuvenation is shared, making the experience even more meaningful and lasting.

Allergy Information:

This Ayurveda detox program is designed to be gluten-free, utilizing naturally gluten-free ingredients such as rice, millet, and mung pulses. However, please note that we do use ghee made from dairy, which may not be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or have dairy sensitivities. If you have any concerns about dairy, please inform us in advance so that we can discuss possible alternatives or adjustments to accommodate your needs.


Please note that this Ayurveda detox program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. If you have any known allergies or pre-existing health conditions, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider before participating. The recipes and practices shared during this program are rooted in traditional Ayurveda and are for educational purposes only. Participation is voluntary, and it is your responsibility to ensure that the ingredients and practices are safe and suitable for your individual health needs.

This is a rare opportunity to connect on a personal level with Acharya Shunya, whose guidance helps you feel safe, understood, and ready to embrace the healing process. Many participants find this aspect of the program deeply transformative and empowering. We invite you to join us!




Acharya Shunya is a teacher of Ayurveda principles, and the designer of the detox and Chef Sanjai is a teacher of Ayurveda cuisine, and the developer of the detox recipes, many of which  are inspired from research of Ayurvedic source texts dating as far back as 2 BCE. Together, Acharya Shunya and Chef Sanjai co-founded Vedika Global in  2007, a not-for-profit teaching and learning foundation in the San Francisco Bay Area, where they shared over healing 200 recipes and lead annual detoxes for their global community of seekers and students who came  to them from different parts of the world, to learn Ayurveda, in its truest form, along with its  sister sciences of  Yoga  and Vedanta. Both teachers enjoy a league of beneficiaries, who are grateful they followed the careful guidance provided by their teachers, who never compromised the principles of Ayurveda in favor of recent trends and fads. The results of their teaching and leading experiential detox are deeply restorative  for human health and the experience, profoundly healing, also delicious, in an unforgettable way.


Daily Schedule (subject to change):

Your course schedule has been designed by the presenter to provide a holistic educational experience, and includes course presentation time, meal times, and free time for you to enjoy the beach and the grounds and participate in the ashram’s daily programs. Lines in bold type indicate required course times.

Morning and Evening Satsang: community gatherings for meditation, chanting & teachings; sometimes a silent beach walk.

Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes: available on outdoor ocean and bayfront platforms (beginner and intermediate levels offered twice daily).

6:00am – 8:00am Morning Satsang
8:00 am Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
10:00 am Detox Brunch
11:00 am Ashram Welcome & History Tour (meets at Reception)
11:30 am Inauguration Ceremony
12:00 – 1:30 pm Lecture and Recipe Cooking Demo
1:30-3:00 pm Rest/Beach/Karma Yoga
3:00-3:30 pm Detox Tea Time
4:00 pm Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
6:00 pm Detox Dinner
7:00pm-8:00pm – Evening Sharing Circle
8:00-9:45 pm Evening Satsang

DAY 2 – DAY 4
6:00am-8:00am Morning Satsang
8:00 am Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
10:00 am Detox Brunch
12:00-1:30 pm Lecture and Recipe Cooking Demo
1:30-3:00 pm Rest/Beach/Karma Yoga
3:00-3:30 pm Detox Tea Time
4:00 pm Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
6:00 pm Detox Dinner
7:00pm-8:00pm – Evening Sharing Circle
8:00-9:45 pm Evening Satsang

Day 5
6:00am-8:00am Morning Satsang
8:00 am Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
10:00 am Brunch
12:00-1:30 pm Lecture and Recipe Cooking Demo
1:30-3:00 pm Last Sharing Circle
3:00-3:30 pm Farewell Detox Tea Time
3:30 pm Graduation Ceremony

Regular ashram schedule the rest of the day

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