Yoga Vacation Program
May 23 — 25, 2025

Dissolving Tension, Bathing in Radiance

Scott Schwenk

Ancient Greek culture used the word Soma to refer to the physical body and Ancient Vedic culture used the word Soma to refer to the elixir of “immortality”. The Soma Sessions practice Scott leads is about getting into the body with simple breath and relaxation processes which allow practitioners to dissolve tension patterns. As these tension patterns dissolve (both hidden and obvious), creative nourishing energy is released and the body uses it right away to thrive. And as the bound energy of tension releases, it’s common to have deeply helpful bursts of intuition and insight naturally arise.

Next, you will experience a powerful form of meditation using exponentially potent inner sounds called Mantra. As we emerge from the Soma Session process, the body is more relaxed, the thinking mind backgrounded and the capacity to intuit and sense deeper layers of oneself and reality directly is more in the foreground. This is where we will work with the transformative power of inner sound. Mantra is a profound sonic technology for transforming not only one’s sense of Self, but also increasing the way key vital energies move through the body affecting emotional balance, resilience, immune function and so much more.

Join us for this transformative program!

Offered as 3 satsangs and 2 workshops (subject to change).

The presentations associated with this Yoga Vacation Program begin with an 8pm satsang on the first day of the program and conclude with an 8pm satsang on the last day of the program.  Click here to read more about the Yoga Vacation Program details and view the ashram schedule for yoga classes and meals during your stay. We suggest you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your program for the optimal experience.

Scott Schwenk’s teachings, courses and private mentoring guide leaders, seekers and creatives to explore their deepest selves in service of thriving on all levels of being, both individually and relationally.

Known for his hugely popular courses and workshops with OneCommune.com, Younity.com, Wanderlust Festivals, and Unplug Meditation, Scott has been catalyzing the inner evolution of others for decades: helping them to grow, transform obstacles into opportunities, and find Love within.

Scott’s teachings support the entire person to not only progressively recognize, stabilize and embody our inextricable oneness with the source of creation (Waking Up), but also to resolve the wounds of the past (Cleaning Up), continually expand our capacities for wider and more inclusive perspectives on any moment (Growing Up) and creatively and joyfully participate and collaborate with all of life as a loving thriving human being (Showing Up).


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