Yoga Vacation Program
September 27 — 28, 2024

The Art and Call of Bhakti

Krishna Kishora and Bali Rico

Kish and Bali, the two brothers from the international kirtan group Mayapuris, join forces at the Shivananda ashram in the Bahamas for a magical experience of music and devotion. Join this traveling family of Bhakti artists on an immersive journey of sacred sound with explosive beats and soaring melodies, unique kirtan and original songs!

Offered as 2 satsangs and 2 workshops

The presentations associated with this Yoga Vacation Program begin with a12pm workshop on the first day of the program and conclude with an 8pm satsang on the last day of the program.  Click here to read more about the Yoga Vacation Program details and view the ashram schedule for yoga classes and meals during your stay. We suggest you arrive at least one day prior to the start of your program for the optimal experience.

Krishna Kishora (Kish) is a musical adept, his various talents as a composer and artist enhanced by the depth of his practice. Kishor’s flute playing hums with spiritual resonance and a deep devotion to the path. His rhythmic style is distinct and creative, his kirtan is soulful, and he loves connecting with the audience in a genuine and energetic way. He is one of the founders of the world renowned Kirtan group the Mayapuris and the prime engineer manning the helm throughout the “9 islands” recording project. Kish is also the head of a non-profit organization meant for sharing the culture of kirtan and bhakti with youth from bhakti centers all around the world.

Bali Rico is a lyricist, multi-instrumentalist, author and bhakta. Born in the U.S. to Colombian parents, he and younger brother Kish spent their formative years living in ashrams in the sacred land of Mayapur, West Bengal, learning the traditions and music of ancient India. Bali’s mridanga playing is fiery, innovative and precise, helping to create the Mayapuris signature sound. As a lyricist, Bali’s flow mirrors the intricate rhythm of a born percussionist, with thoughtful prose full of insight, philosophy and personal reflection.

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