
Travel Yoga: Essential Tips from Julie Lusk | sivanandabahamas.org

Travel Yoga: Essential Tips from Julie Lusk

Making flight arrangements for your next trip to the Bahamas? Plan ahead so you can travel smart and stay balanced. Holistic health specialist Julie Lusk shares this excerpt from her e-book on Travel Yoga to help make your air travel more peaceful and healthy. (Reprinted with permission)

Traveling by plane: Air travel can be full of surprises. Some nice, some not so nice. Let's face it, if served, the food is bad, the air is stuffy, and the seats are cramped and uncomfortable. Bad weather causes delays, connections are poor, and getting around airports is confusing. Anything you can do to prevent problems is important.

  • Get to the airport well in advance of your departure. Allow enough time for traffic delays, parking, security checks, and long lines.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. At least eight to sixteen ounces every hour ought to do it. If you don't get enough water, you are likely to suffer from dry mouth, racing pulse, dry skin, hair and nails, constipation, infrequent urination and the inability to sweat upon exertion. Unfortunately, alcohol and caffeinated drinks (cola, coffee, tea) increases the problems of dehydration.
  • Wear non-binding clothes and wear comfortable shoes.
  • Pack a healthy snack or meal.
  • If food is available, order ahead from the special menu selections. Low-fat, vegetarian or low-sodium are some of the choices that are often available. It's easy; just call your travel agent or carrier in advance.
  • Bring an iPod, MP3 player or walkman along to listen to music you enjoy. Listening to a guided meditation recording is relaxing and you'll arrive at your destination feeling refreshed. Consider wearing the headphones, whether or not they are plugged in. Doing so may cut down on noise and discourage your seat mate from talking your ear off.
  • Watch out for jet lag. Take the necessary steps to reduce the effects of having to adjust to a new time zone.
  • Pack lightly. Not only will smaller bags be easier to carry, it's possible to avoid having to check your baggage. If you check your baggage, remember to carry your medicine and other valuables with you on the airplane. Follow all the rules on what you can carry with you when traveling.

Julie Lusk

Julie Lusk

Julie Lusk, MEd, RYT, is president and CVO (Chief Visionary Officer) of Wholesome Resources. She is an internationally published author and a dynamic and inspiring speaker. Julie has more than 25 years of expertise in stress management, wellness, yoga, and guided imagery. Professionally, Julie has worked in health-care management, higher education, and community organizing and volunteers extensively.

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