Recipes for Grilling Vegetarian Style

Summer is here! And that means barbecues, outdoor picnics, and parties are filling up the weekends. And if you live in the United States, 4th of July celebrations are also right around the corner!

From a yogic perspective, it’s important to not only keep the body healthy during times of celebration, but to also consider other implications of diet. Ahimsa, the first ethical principle of yoga, translates to nonviolence in thoughts, action, or deed — and this includes what we choose to put in our bodies.

Traditionally in a yogic lifestyle, it is recommended to abstain from eating animals for the purposes of:

  • practicing nonviolence and compassion toward others
  • health and vitality for the body, protecting against disease
  • calmness and mental stability, removing restlessness and agitation from the mind

Swami Sivananda says, “Meat is not at all necessary for keeping up of perfect health, vigour, and vitality. On the contrary, it is highly deleterious to health; it brings in its train a host of ailments … in large meat-eating countries, cancer mortality is admittedly very high.”

Considering the yogic tradition and keeping yoga’s ethical principles in mind, we have a special set of two grill-friendly recipes this month, so you can enjoy all your outdoor, food-centered celebrations with good health, compassion, and peace of mind.

Within this blog, you’ll learn how to make the following treats:

  • Eggplant-hummus veggie burgers
  • Cauliflower steaks

Eggplant-Hummus Veggie Burgers

These burgers are quick and easy to make at any barbecue, and you just need the grill.


  • 4 thick slices of eggplant (makes 2 servings)
  • Hummus
  • Oil of your choice
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 2 teaspoons oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 burger buns
  • Lettuce/kale/spinach leaves (optional)
  • Guacamole or slices of avocado (optional)
  • Tomato slices (optional)


  1. Sprinkle eggplant slices with salt and let sit for 30 minutes, then pat dry.
  2. In a small bowl, stir together about 2 tablespoons of oil, paprika, oregano, salt and pepper. Brush each side of the eggplant slices. Heat a pan or grill and cook each eggplant slice for 3-4 minutes per side.
  3. Toast or grill the buns (optional.)
  4. Top the bottom buns with leafy green toppings and an eggplant slice, and then spread your hummus on top. Then you can add another topping, eggplant slice, and then another layer of hummus. Finish by adding the top bun, and you’ll have a multi-layer eggplant and hummus burger!

Cauliflower Steaks

These decadent, filling treats can be made either on the grill, or in the oven. And like the eggplant-hummus burgers, they’re simple enough to make when you’re already at the barbecue!


  • 1 head cauliflower, cut into 1-inch thick slices (makes 4 servings)
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • Salt (optional)
  • ½ cup barbecue sauce (store-bought or homemade)
  1. Brush both sides of each slice of cauliflower with olive oil and season as desired. Place cauliflower slices on grill and cook for 5 minutes per side.
  2. Coat each side with barbecue sauce and place back on grill for 3 to 5 minutes per side. (Alternatively, you can roast your cauliflower “steaks” at 400˚ for about 30 minutes, flipping them over about halfway through.)

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