Vianna Stibal is a renowned spiritual teacher who teaches her spiritual philosophy and meditation technique, ThetaHealing®, throughout the world. After witnessing the healing of her own 9-inch cancerous tumor over 20 years ago, she discovered just how emotions and beliefs affect us on a core, genetic, history, and soul level. Vianna went on to develop ThetaHealing as a teachable process to guide people deep into their beliefs, how to create change, and how to align with the ultimate plan for their lives and create the reality they want. She conducts seminars all over the world and has trained thousands of teachers and practitioners; there are now an estimated 300,000 ThetaHealing practitioners working in 30 countries worldwide. Vianna is the author of five books: Go Up and Seek God; Go Up and Work with God; ThetaHealing; ThetaHealing Advanced: All That Is; and Diseases and Disorders.

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