Rose has been teaching internationally for over 40 years and is the Director of The Polarity Center & Shamanic Studies in Chesterfield, MA. She offers trainings and healing work in polarity therapy, craniosacral visionary work and shamanism, and integrates nature-based and holistic approaches to healing in her private practice. Native American (Ojibway), Celtic and Tibetan Buddhism are integrated into Rose’s life and work and are shared as part of her Medicine.
Rose has studied with Rosalyn Bruyere, Sandra Ingerman, Michael Harner, Tom Cowan and spent years studying with Tibetan shamans in Nepal. Her main teachers for her healing work have been the late Dr. Randolph Stone, and the teachings from Dr. William Sutherland, founder of Polarity Therapy and Biodynamic Cranial Work. Rose’s present teacher is Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche, from the Bon tradition.
With decades of training and first hand experience having lost her two sons, Rose will share from her heart and guide you in understanding how to consciously prepare yourself for the inevitable passing of those you love and how support those who are preparing to cross over.
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