
Mitchell Rabin, MA, LAC, is an international speaker and a longtime practitioner of meditation, yoga, Tai-Chi, and Qigong. He has taught at the Sivananda Ashram in the Catskills for most of the last 20 years. He is a holistic systems-thinker, connecting mind-body, neuroscience, meditation and how we influence quantum fields.

He is the host of a popular community cable TV program in NYC called, A Better World with Mitchell Rabin, as well as podcasts on Youtube and Spotify. Mitchell has been interviewing thought leaders, spiritual teachers, healers, social impact entrepreneurs, scientists, environmentalist and progressive political figures for decades.

Mitchell is a stress management consultant, holistic psychotherapist using advanced a biofeedback system and a Scanner of the body’s energy fields. He has been in private practice in NYC seeing individuals and couples for many years.

He is currently working on the creation of an eco-friendly real estate project and Wellness Center in Costa Rica and working with start-up companies in the zero-waste, eco-space to reduce the carbon footprint and create a livable, sustainable, better world for all.


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