Manose, Grammy nominated multi instrumentalist & composer, has been touring for more than two decades. Spreading the power of healing music, he has won millions of hearts all over the world. His offering of 111 days of free daily meditations on his social media became a lifeline for many during the COVID pandemic.

Upcoming Programs

Yoga Vacation Program
November 24 — 26, 2024

Grammy-nominated Manose offers a unique program that combines various musical instruments and the power of Sanskrit Mantras and meditation to bring you to a powerfully healing and joyful experience.

Yoga Vacation Program
November 26 — December 2, 2024
Gopi Kallayil, David Spound, Latif Bolat, and Manose

Leave this unique holiday symposium empowered with practical tools and profound insights sure to enrich both your personal and professional journey.


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