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Easy, Guilt-Free Banana Nut Squares
From Clarissa Kussin
DID YOU KNOW: Bananas are one of the most nutritional and healing fruits readily available today. They are 76% water and are packed with vitamins C and B6 and minerals such as potassium, copper, and manganese. Their high water/nutrient ratio makes them a great electrolyte food perfect for busy moms, workout enthusiasts, and people on the go. Bananas are also an excellent “brain food” great for heavy thinkers and are known to help build strong muscles as well as strengthen the nervous system.
These Banana Nut Squares add the benefits of nuts (protein, healthy fats) to make the perfect snack that tastes great and packs a nutritious punch.
- 1 cup dates, pitted, softened in warm water for 10 minutes
- 1 1/2 cups mixed raw almonds and walnuts (or cashews)
- 1/4 cup raw cacao powder
- 2 really ripe bananas
- 1/2 cup raw cacao powder
- 4 Tbsp almond butter
- 4 Tbsp raw honey or maple syrup
- Mix together all bottom ingredients in a food processor until well-blended.
- Spread bottom ingredients in a large glass baking pan until evenly distributed.
- Mix together top ingredients in a food processor until well-blended.
- Spread top blend over bottom layer, adding until evenly distributed.
- Cut into squares.
That's it! For a super special treat, sprinkle with goji berries, coconut, crushed pumpkin seeds, or cacao nibs.
Still Hungry? Find more recipes here.

Clarissa Kussin is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, detoxification and cellular regeneration specialist, yoga teacher, holistic personal chef, and founder of Full Lotus Wellness in Durham, North Carolina. Known for her conscious cuisine, crafted with raw, vegan, plant-powered nutrients, Clarissa is passionate about the healing power of whole foods and is referred to by many as the “Juice Lady” for her healing and intuitively crafted tonics. She inspires her clients to restore and regenerate the tissues of their physical bodies so they can access their higher and authentic self to live fully.