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Define You, Define Your Purpose
"Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions." —Albert Einstein
Don't ignore what life whispers in your ear, says Priscilla Jabouin (Satya), mirroring the words of Oprah Winfrey. Her own life’s whispers — she has a masters degree in education and another in psychology — included taking up dance and shaving off her afro. By then, she had discovered yoga.
"I realized that I have choices, and don't need to define myself the way others see me. I decided to follow my heart," says the holistic coach and counsellor, who recently taught a series of workshops at the ashram entitled Define You, Define Your Purpose.
"Don't ask what the world needs," she advises. "Rather, ask what makes you come alive and go do it."
But it's not always that simple. In order to work out the what and the how, she recommends making a list to figure out your Needs — the things you cannot do without — and Wants — those things you would really like, that you feel passionate about. The list will incorporate areas such as work, relationship, money, and lifestyle.
While your Needs are straightforward, and must be met, focus on your Wants, she advises. "Then, when you prioritize them, they can become objectives."
One way to uncover your dreams, to follow your bliss, is to follow your intuition, she says — right back to listening to life's whispers. In her "map to happiness" philosophy, there are a number of steps to get there.
First, know your current reality. That means, be realistic in identifying your own lifestyle.
Second, be positive. Find ways to look at the good in everything, she advises.
Third, be vulnerable. This is hard to do, but by keeping yourself open, you become more authentic.
Fourth, think outside the box. Spend some time with this, she says, to envision a life that is exactly the way you want it to be.
Fifth, be serious about self-care. Do things that make you feel good, she says. Once your bucket is full and overflowing, then you can be generous with others.
These points make a lot of sense to Simone Kaufmann who attended Priscilla’s workshop at the ashram during her yoga vacation from Switzerland. You must have a vision, a strategy for your life, she says.
Simone appreciated Priscilla's openness and her combination of the spiritual and the academic. "She's engaging," she says. "I really like the concepts and exercises to help guide your thinking."
It takes some work, but you can pave your path to a fulfilling existence, Priscilla says. "Don't wait for the so-called right opportunities. Start taking steps towards it now."

Priscilla Jabouin (Satya), MA, is a Sivananda Yoga teacher and holistic career coach. Her main purpose is to support individuals in identifying their personal dreams and pursuing their goals, by overcoming the fears and obstacles holding them back. With master’s degrees in Counseling Psychology and in Education, as well as personal experience defining her path and her passion, Satya teaches intuitively from the heart with a touch of bluntness. She incorporates clients’ overall well-being in the process by encouraging them to embrace self-care.