Yoga Vacation Program
June 24 — 27, 2023

What Does Swami Sivananda Teach?

Swami Medhananda Puri

Swami Sivananda’s teachings are a call to all sincere souls seeking deeper meaning and a higher purpose in their lives. He opened the door to the pursuit of spiritual evolution within the context of everyday life through practical teachings relevant to all. Among the topics to be explored in this program are the true source of happiness; the nature of reality as God; the importance of physical health; the fundamental ethics of yoga; the pursuit of spiritual life within daily existence; and the imperative to move more and more towards God.

Offered as 3 evening and 3 morning satsangs (subject to change).

Swami Medhananda Puri is a distinguished traditional teacher of Vedanta. In 1979, he joined the Kailash Ashram in Rishikesh, India, where he was initiated into the Kailash monastic order. Over the years, he served as acharya at the ashram and in 1987, he was promoted to Treasurer and Manager. He has mastered the Vyakaranam, Mimamsa, Nyaya, Sankhya sastras, Advaita philosophy, Bhagavad Gita, ten principal Upanisads, and Brahmasutras. A teacher of teachers, many of his students have become acharyas who are now teaching around the world.

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