Yoga Vacation Program
December 21 — 31, 2021

The Yoga of Unconditional Love

Teachings on the Narada Bhakti Sutra

Rukmini Chaitanya

Explore the teachings of Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion. Many of us are struggling with daily stress, anxiety and depression, and fear and uncertainty about the future, which adds an element of suffering and burden to daily life. From this ancient scripture you will learn how to take negative emotions and transform them into higher emotions of kindness, gratitude, and joy, and bring peace to your daily life.

The Narada Bhakti Sutras is an ancient Vedic text exploring the path of divine love, and it’s just as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. Broken down into 84 short but power-filled truths, this wisdom series will not only deepen your understanding of yoga philosophy, but also touch upon the practical aspects on how to manage your mind and root out any negativity that limits you. Throughout this program, you will receive a profound understanding, among a group of like-minded people, led by a teacher who has studied this text for many years.

Rukmini Chaitanya is a senior staff member of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas, and the personal assistant to Swami Swaroopananda, the Acharya, or spiritual director of the Ashram. She regularly teaches the Bhagavad Gita during the Sivananda Yoga Teacher training as well as other courses on the Bhagavad Gita, Vedanta, positive thinking, meditation, and yoga philosophy.

Rukmini Chaitanya is known for her enthusiastic and inspiring teaching style as well as for her devotion to the lineage and the scriptures. She is dedicated to each of her students and has an innate desire to share knowledge with them. She brings a great deal of clarity to every topic and is highly appreciated for her capacity to unfold complicated topics and present them in a coherent and pure way.

Rukmini Chaitanya was interviewed on The Spiritually Inspired Show

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