Online Program


Celebrate the Nine Nights of the Divine Mother

Krishnan Namboodiri

Your donation to these special Satsangs is greatly appreciated! 

Date & Time: Oct 17-25, 8:00pm EDT

Celebrate the Shakti (power) of the Divine Feminine manifested as Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.

Navaratri, literally meaning nine nights, will be celebrated each of the nine nights of this auspicious holiday with special pujas (prayer ceremonies) led by the ashram’s Vedic priest, Krishnan Namboodiri, we well as stories and sacred chants honoring the Divine Mother. Join us on these special evenings to celebrate and honor the beauty of communion, the freedom of letting go, and the inner wisdom that is your true nature. Connect to the very essence which bestows wealth, auspiciousness, prosperity, and knowledge upon you. Open your heart to the blessings of the Divine Mother.

Krishnan Namboodiri is a Tantric priest from South India, trained in the classical tradition of mantras (sacred sounds), pujas (prayer ceremonies), homas (fire rituals), and yantras (sacred geometric designs). He performs many daily and special rituals for the ashram.

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