Yoga Vacation Program
December 5 — 8, 2016

The Mystical Tradition of Kabbalah

Rediscovery, Reconciliation, and Reunion

Michael Hattwick

Come explore the timeless teachings of Kabbalah, the spiritual and mystical tradition that lies deep within and behind Judaism and Christianity. Kabbalah transcends the historical separation between these two faiths, as well as religious and scientific world views. More importantly, it teaches a way of reconciliation and reunion.

What is the Bible really talking about? What does it mean? Why does it matter to us? These are just some of the questions we will explore in this program. Student and teacher of Kabbalah, Michael Hattwick will guides us through the Four World Tradition of Kabbalah that underpins the teachings of the Old and New Testaments — a tradition that reminds us that we actually live in four inter-related realities. As we deepen our understanding, we will rediscover timeless truths, reconcile previous divides between historic faiths, and engage in a reunion with the heart of spiritual wisdom.

Offered as 1 satsang and 3 workshops.

Michael Hattwick, MD, a practicing primary-care physician in the Washington, DC, area, has been a student and teacher of the Kabbalah for many years. He is the author of The ABBA Tradition, which explores the Tree of Life, the Ladder of Consciousness, the Four World tradition, and how Kabbalah facilitates psychological and spiritual development. Dr. Hattwick is actively involved in the movement toward a more integrated approach to health care in the greater Washington area and nationally. In 1994, he founded NoVa HealthCare to provide consulting to physicians and health-care organizations interested in clinical practice guidelines, evidence-based medicine, and innovative approaches to addressing problems with health care.

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