Yoga Vacation Program
February 14 — 15, 2022

Discovering the Nectar within Sacred Yoga Texts

Graham Schweig

This program will be presented by Graham Schweig from offsite via Zoom.

For well over 50 years, Graham has been practicing Yoga and deeply studying the sacred writings on Yoga. In his program, he will share his translations of carefully selected passages from the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gītā, the Yoga Sūtra, and the Bhāgavata Purāṇa. These chosen passages, along with Graham’s illuminations of them, will nourish you with a palpable experience of transcendence and even an encounter with the all-embracing divine energy of Kaivalya (Liberation). Woven into and throughout his presentations will be time to share thoughts, enter into meditation, and chant sweet melodious kīrtans. Walk away with a renewed, transformed, and elevated relationship with the sacred writings of Yoga that can be carried over into your yoga practice.

Offered as 2 evening satsangs (subject to change).

Graham M. Schweig, PhD, E-RYT 500 | YACEP, is a practitioner of meditation and heart-centered yoga for more than 50 years. He leads workshops, seminars, and lectures on yoga and religion in the United States and Europe. He is accompanied by his wife and life-companion, Catherine L. Schweig, RYT, who together founded The Secret Yoga Institute.

Graham holds a doctorate from Harvard University in comparative religion with a specialization in sacred Sanskrit yoga literature. He is a professor of philosophy and religion and director of religion studies at Christopher Newport University and a distinguished teaching and research faculty at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley.

Over the past fourteen years, Graham has been invited by the Smithsonian Institution to deliver more than three dozen lectures on religion and Yoga at its museums in Washington, DC.

Among his more than 100 publications, his translation of the Bhagavad Gita (Harper Collins, 2010) has been used in Yoga teacher trainings nationwide. His translation and commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga Sūtra is forthcoming from Yale University Press, and his book, The Yoga of Love, is forthcoming from Oxford University Press.

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