Yoga Vacation Program
February 6 — 8, 2023

Cultivating Sustainable Recovery from ALL Addiction

Nikki Myers

Have you ever set a goal or made an intention about a behavior or pattern that no longer serves you – only to after some time find yourself back in it even when you really don’t want to be?

One of my teachers often poses the following question; ‘How can I make my intentions stronger than my dysfunctional patterns?’

This workshop offers a look into western psychology, yogic philosophy and practices, and 12 step program principles to support sustainable recovery from any addictive pattern or behavior. It proposes tools designed to support the understanding and application needed to help our intentions become stronger than our dysfunctional behaviors.

Offered as 2 satsangs and 2 workshops (subject to change)

Nikki Myers, MBA, C-IAYT, is the founder of the Yoga of 12-Step Recovery, a relapse prevention program. A writer, teacher, and wellness practitioner, she is a co-founder of the annual Yoga, Meditation, and Recovery Conferences at the Esalen Institute and Kripalu Center, and was named a Yoga Journal Game Changer.

A yoga therapist, somatic experiencing practitioner, and addictions recovery specialist, Nikki received the NUVO Cultural Visionary award in 2014. Her work has also been featured in the New York Times, Black Enterprise, the Huffington Post, and

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