Plan Your Trip
Arrival & Departure
Please plan to arrive at least the day before the TTC start day and depart the day after the TTC end date.. The cost for the TTC includes these two nights. Please see the Getting Here for detailed information on traveling to the Yoga Retreat.
When possible, it is recommended that you spend a few days in the Yoga Vacation Program before the start of the TTC and/or when you graduate, to assimilate what you’ve learned. Many graduates stay on for a month or more in the Karma Yoga Residential Study Program, which is highly recommended as a way to fully immerse in ashram life and practice teaching yoga to others.
Certain physical conditions might limit your ability or prevent you from taking the Yoga Teacher Training Course. Please contact us prior to registering if you are pregnant, suffering from recent head, neck, or back injury, are taking medication prescribed by a psychiatrist, or have any other condition that might limit your ability to practice yoga postures or otherwise participate in an intensive training.
Dress Code
Since it’s inception under Swami Vishudevananda, participants in the TTC wear white pants and a yellow top. This uniform not only creates a unity among all the trainees and ease (not having to decide what to wear), it holds meaning: the yellow represents the seeking of true knowledge and the white represents purification of the self.
We are proud of our TTC trainees and your presence at the ashram makes a visual statement to all guests about your commitment to yoga and yoga studies.
Upon arrival, you will receive two pairs of white yoga pants and two yellow t-shirts to wear throughout the training. You are expected to wear the TTC uniform at all times (including at satsangs), with the following exceptions:
- during asana practice: you can wear your own clothes or the uniform during the TTC-specific asana classes. Your own practice clothes should still be modest (ie. no halter tops, low necklines, or short shorts)
- at the beach (although you should plan to bring a cover-up to wear on your way to the beach)
- days off: around the ashram, you are welcome to dress in casual, comfortable clothes suitable for warm days and cool evenings. Your clothing should cover your shoulders and knees; you will be most comfortable in light-weight pants (women can also wear long skirts or dresses)
- while off-site (on Paradise Island and in Nassau), you still represent the ashram and should plan to dress accordingly
What to Bring
Required and recommended books for your course are available for purchase on-site at our boutique and at the Sivananda centers worldwide. Please budget about $65. The required books are:
- Bhagavad Gita, with commentary by Swami Sivananda
- Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga, by Swami Vishnudevananda
Your arrival pack will include a list of optional recommended books; these will be available on-site at the boutique.
Kriya Kit During one of the sessions toward the end of the training, we will cover Hatha Yoga cleansing protocols. A kit is available for purchase at the Boutique for around $13, or you are welcome to bring these items with you: a neti pot, a sutra neti (catheter), and a tongue scraper.
Other Items:
Notebook and pens
Wrist-watch with second hand (for teaching); not a smart phone
Yoga mat
Meditation cushion (optional)
Meditation shawl (for satsangs)
Slip-on sandals
Beach towel
Rain gear
Toiletries, including soap
Alarm clock
Insect repellent
Travel mug or tumbler
Water bottle
Dry snack foods (nuts, energy bars)
Snorkeling equipment (optional)
For tent space only: bring your own tent, bedding, and towels.
Please note that there are laundry facilities onsite. Tokens for the washer and dryer, as well as laundry soap, are available for purchase at the Boutique (Reception during the summer).