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Community Voices: Yoga and Religion
Has yoga changed your relationship with your religion? In what ways?
As my yoga practice deepened and I began to nurture and rekindle my relationship with God, this time in different forms than before, I began to also notice Jesus everywhere. On the altars at the Sivananda centers and ashrams and in the literature that Swami Sivananda wrote. One Christmas season when I went to take my yoga class there was a book by Swami Sivananda on the shelf at the yoga center, "The Life and Teachings of Lord Jesus." It caught my interest. I was surprised that Swami Sivananda would write a whole book about Jesus. It didn't make any sense to me. I bought the book. I read it. And I began to reconnect with Jesus in a deeper, more meaningful, and powerful way. In a personal way. Wow! Jesus was a great yogi!
I am so grateful for my yoga practice for many reasons. One of these reasons is the rekindling of this special friendship that I had turned away from for so many years. Yoga brought this very special teacher and example back into my life.
The spiritual path is available to any and all and Sivananda has a powerful history encouraging yogis to find their open road to the Divine.