The wisdom traditions teach us that embracing aging, decline, and death brings into focus what matters most now. The Shared Crossing Pathway invites you to embrace death and experientially prepare for this greatest of human mysteries.
Do you want a conscious, connected, and loving end of life for yourself and your loved ones? Are you or someone you care about afraid of dying and or curious about what might come next? Do you want to learn how to prepare for the best death possible?
Our society is more fast paced than ever. We barely have time to prepare for next week, let alone for the end of life. Moreover, we’ve lost any familiarity with what occurs at the end of life or how to adequately get ready for it, let alone thoughts about an afterlife.
The truth is that, despite the fact that we are all going to die, we now live in a death-denying culture. Most of us have absolutely no idea how to prepare for death psychologically or spiritually, and most of us feel uncomfortable even bringing the subject up in conversation.
The problem is that death has become unfamiliar and uncomfortable to us, even frightening. And this has left us wholly unprepared for the inevitable moment when we or those we care about will die.
The Shared Crossing Pathway teaches compassionate and effective practices that will put you and your loved ones at ease around the many topics related to end of life. The Pathway will guide you to a deeper connection with loved ones and a greater appreciation for the gift of life.
By the end of this 4-day intensive workshop, you will:
We invite you to join us in discovering the wealth of what shared death experiences have to offer.
By better understanding death, dying, and what lies beyond, we can more fully appreciate life, love, and living in the present moment. And we can prepare ourselves and our loved ones for the best death possible.
Continuing education credit:
This Course meets the qualifications for 15 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, RNs and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences for the Family Therapy Institute of Santa Barbara. There is an additional $50 charge for CEU’s to be paid directly to The Shared Crossing Project. For more information, contact [email protected].
What people are saying …
Opened a Door to Another Dimension
“The group was full of supportive information that served as a comfort to me and created the container in which to process my grief. In a society that doesn’t address crossing over questions, one can be left feeling bewildered and alienated after loss of a loved one. The group explores, acknowledges, and supports all the unanswered questions. It opened the door to another dimension that I hope others will get to experience through this important work.”
– Jeannie R.
A Beautiful Rite of Passage
“Most importantly for me is the impact this group has directly for people and their families, because with more of an understanding and acceptance of death, dying, and afterlife, they can start to have conversations they otherwise wouldn’t have with their families. In so doing perhaps they can experience death and dying as the beautiful rite of passage it is and be a part of mindful, peaceful passings with their loved ones.”
– Jill W.
William Peters is a trailblazing psychotherapist, author, and global authority on shared death experiences (SDEs) and end-of-life phenomena. As the founder of the Shared Crossing Project, he is dedicated to reshaping our relationship with death and dying through education, research, and awareness of extraordinary end-of-life experiences.
Having had two near-death experiences and numerous shared crossings himself, William brings a deeply personal understanding to his work. He teaches proven methods for facilitating and integrating SDEs, offering profound insight into the connections between the living and the dying. His groundbreaking research has been featured in the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Omega – Journal of Death and Dying, CNN, and other major media outlets.
His bestselling book, At Heaven’s Door: What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach, published by Simon & Schuster, offers a compelling look at how these experiences provide comfort, healing, and a deeper understanding of what lies beyond. William and Shared Crossing Media are currently collaborating with CounterPoint Films (an Oscar- and Emmy-nominated production company) to create the first feature-length documentary on shared death experiences.
Dr. Monica Williams is a renowned emergency physician, award-winning writer, and international speaker dedicated to transforming how we approach death and dying. As a leading expert in end-of-life medical decision-making, she has been featured on The Doctors (Emmy Award-winning TV show), The Washington Post, and other major media platforms.
Her book, It’s OK to Die, provides a revolutionary framework for navigating end-of-life care with clarity, compassion, and acceptance. Her pioneering checklists for end-of-life preparation have been adopted by UCLA Health System and the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), helping countless individuals and families make informed, empowered choices.
Dr. Williams also explores exceptional states of consciousness that can arise for the dying, their loved ones, and healthcare providers. She advocates for the integration of these profound experiences into medical and institutional settings, believing they can inspire deep healing, personal transformation, and more holistic end-of-life care.
Through her work, Dr. Williams invites us to rethink how we honor the dying process—one that embraces spiritual, emotional, and practical preparation with grace and wisdom.
Daily Schedule (subject to change):
Your course schedule has been designed by the presenter to provide a holistic educational experience, and includes course presentation time, meal times, and free time for you to enjoy the beach and the grounds and participate in the ashram’s daily programs.
Morning and Evening Satsang: community gatherings for meditation, chanting & teachings; sometimes a silent beach walk.
Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes: available on outdoor ocean and bayfront platforms (beginner and intermediate levels offered twice daily).
Lines in bold type indicate required course times. Other ashram offerings are optional.
DAY 1:
6:00-8:00am Morning Satsang
8:00am Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
10:00am Brunch
11:00am Ashram Welcome & History Tour (meets at Reception)
11:30am Inauguration Ceremony
12:00-3:30pm Course session
4:00pm Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
6:00pm Dinner
8:00 to 9:45pm Evening Satsang
DAY 2 – DAY 3:
6:00-8:00am Morning Satsang
8:00am Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
10:00am Brunch
11:30-3:30 pm Course session
4:00pm Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
6:00pm Dinner
8:00 to 9:45pm Evening Satsang
DAY 4 (Last Day):
6:00-8:00am Morning Satsang
8:00am Yoga Asana &Pranayama Classes
10:00am Brunch
11:30am to 3:00pm Course session
3:00pm Graduation Ceremony
4:00pm Yoga Asana & Pranayama Classes
6:00pm Dinner
8:00 to 9:45pm Evening Satsang
Please plan on arriving at least one day prior to Day 1 of the course and departing at least one day after the last day.
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