Yoga Vacation Program
August 26 — 28, 2022

Inner Freedom through Meditation

Swami Shambhudevananda

The feeling of freedom comes from within. Even with excellent health and financial status, we are still prone to worry, anxiety, and depression. True freedom cannot be bought, and the yogis have taught the timeless techniques needed to access this deep level of inner freedom. Through these practices we can joyfully live aligned with our true purpose.

In order to tap into the infinite reservoir of peace and inner freedom, we must first know how to calm the mind and focus our attention. Without these two highly refined practices, it is impossible to transcend the mind. By turning the senses and mind inward, we deepen our concentration and attain a meditative state.

Finding the peace within is an exciting journey. Join us for an exploration of meditation’s theoretical and practical aspects … and finally enjoy peace of mind.

Offered as 3 satsangs and 2 workshops (subject to change)

Swami Shambhudevananda is a senior staff member at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas and a practitioner of yoga and meditation for more than 20 years. A member of the Sivananda organization since 1995, Swami Shambhudevananda regularly teaches Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga philosophy for the Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training Courses and advanced courses. He is a much-loved, knowledgeable, and inspiring teacher.

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