Yoga Vacation Program
March 8 — 10, 2023

Peaceful Mind, Compassionate Heart

Practicing with Joy

Tenzin Dasel

Meditation is very helpful in training the mind to think differently while allowing the heart to open
compassionately. By shining the light of awareness from within, we discover a practical approach to cultivate joy, relaxation, deep contentment, and gratitude.

We shall learn a simple yet profound technique called the Four Immeasurables meditation. Buddhism emphasizes the cultivation of four “sublime” or “noble” attitudes toward all beings: loving-kindness (friendliness), compassion (willingness to cease suffering), appreciative joy (feeling happy for others), and equanimity (calmness based on wisdom). This meditation allows us to see deeply that just as we wish for happiness, to avoid suffering, and to be established in bliss without sorrow–the same is true for all living creatures.

When we cultivate the heart with a wish that all beings be free of suffering, it is called the compassionate thought. We will learn and practice techniques to train the mind to be authentically courageous and promote essential transformation. These techniques are used in Vajrayana Buddhist practices to create the wisdom and compassion needed to live and love fully. One needn’t be Buddhist, only human with a wish to grow more peaceful, loving, compassionate, and free.

Offered as 3 satsangs and 2 workshops

Tenzin Dasel is a spiritual leader who has helped many recover to full health through counseling and Buddhist meditation. She is the founder of Maine Mindfulness Project and holds many honors and distinctions for her work with women, children, and youth throughout the US, India, and the world.

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