Yoga Vacation Program
March 14 — 15, 2022

Healing Sounds of Ancient Turkey: VIRTUAL PROGRAM

Mystic Sufi Music, Poetry, and Stories

Latif Bolat

This program will be presented by Latif Bolat live during morning satsang from offsite via Zoom

Open your heart with ancient music, poetry, and stories from the Turkish mystic Sufi tradition. Expand your knowledge of ancient cultures and traditions, and learn the deeper spiritual meanings behind the sacred forms of art and music. This program will help you understand the traditional music’s unique philosophy with appreciation and enthusiasm.

Latif Bolat, renowned singer, composer, and scholar, plays folk and sacred music inspired by mystic poets to bring peace and healing to all who listen. By creating a special atmosphere, he allows his listeners to not only hear the music, but to understand the explanations of the music itself. You’ll gain a greater understanding of how major societal factors influence the culture and art it produces. Get a glimpse of this ancient tradition as the devotional music opens your heart to healing.

Offered as 2 morning satsangs

Latif Bolat is an expert in Sufi music and ancient Turkish mystical-devotional music. He creates an intimate, storytelling atmosphere and teaches Turkish folk and mystical music and its sociopolitical and cultural elements. He received academic degrees in Turkey and the United States and managed a musical theater company, Ankara Halk Tiyatrosu. He is native to the Turkish Mediterranean town of Mersin.

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