Krista Holland is a multifaceted teacher and ceremonialist specializing in frame drumming and the yogic arts. Krista is the founder of The Sacred Drumming Academy, and faculty of the Shift Network where she teaches others to play the frame drum, along with the ancient history, mythology, and lore connected to the worldwide poly-cultural history of the sacred drum.
Krista’s primary focus throughout her frame drumming career and artistry has been playing the drums for their sound healing and ritual aspects. Krista is known for her unique drumming style and powerfully transformative teaching. She is a leading expert in the mythology and widespread history of the poly-cultural instrument of the frame drum. Krista has her own artist innovation frame drum, which she designed with Cooperman Drums. She teaches frame drumming and the yogic arts through online and in-person private classes, group workshops, immersions, and international retreats.
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